Computer Issues F*CK


Yes I downloaded the motherboard drivers.

I’ll have to check the Device Manager when I get home tonight.

Far Cry is not the only game this happens to. It does it with other games as well. I was given free copies of Bet On Soldier and Prince of Persia with some of my components that I ordered and both of those froze too. Prince of Persia cam with my Video Card so you would think that would work with it.

I am not sure if my BIOS are set correctly. I left most things on Auto.

Also, the computer has locked up a couple times when just doing regular windows applications. However, I was testing it yesterday but opening several applications such as WMP, Excell, IE, etc. while playing a DVD and it ran flawlessly.:shrug:

use the MS hard drive drivers, the nvidia ones cause issues.

when u load the MB drivers leave out the nvidia ones for just the hard drive.

You did do a clean install of windows i hope also. Farcry has a few patches out, get them all.

It has nothing to do with AMD, if a cpu isnt seated correctly it wont work…period.

I originally had the MS drivers for the MB and hard drive.
I did a clean install of Windows.
I downloaded the patches for Far Cry.

I am going insane trying to figure this out. The last 3 nights as soon as I get home from work I am working on the computer from 6-midnight.

is it nforce 3 or 4? the mb chipset?

something is conflicting.

nForce 4

do you have dual channel ram?, if so make sure its in correctly. I know dual channel has to be inserted in a certain order.

What does ur even log look like, you didnt really specify earlier.

copy it and send it to me, and ill look at it.

are you sure your video card is not overheating?, and have you OCed it?, check the temps in the nvidia control panel, just to see if its getting too hot.

I’ll send you a screen of the event log when I get home tonight.

When the system crashes there are approximately 9 erroneous events that occurred perhaps a few more.

I have not checked the temps of the video card only the system and CPU.
I can tell you that I am not overclocking.

Also, worth noting is that the Videocard is PCI Express. I don’t know if there are more issue associated with that interface or not.

check the video card temps when u get a chance, far cry is a bitch on video cards :slight_smile:

but its a good benchmark on how well ur system is running.

your close to me also, i can always take a look at it for you.

Yeah I might have to take you up on that.
I’ll have to check in the nVidia utilities. I didn’t see anything about a temp monitor but I wasn’t really looking for it either.

I think I might just give up on Far Cry. I am going to attempt to return it today and see if I can get Doom 3.
The video card actually has benchmark comparisons on the back for running Doom3 so I would hope it would work.

if u cant run far cry, u arent going to be able to run doom3

same intensive graphics for both, but the godo thing is, if u can get them both to run, you wont have any issues running anything else.

check the control panel for the nvidia display. setting tab, advanced, then click on the nvidia tab, off to the left you will see an option for temp and stuff.

Cool, I’ll check it out.

Could the problems I am having be related to RAM?

I posted the same thing on Anandtech and everyone seems to go back to RAM.

yes, are u running dual channel ram?

make sure they are inserted in the correct slots, dual channel requires you to put them in specific slots.

Hmm to be honest I don’t really know. I would have to check. The RAM was installed when I got the Mobo. There are 4 slots 2 colors. The RAM is currently occupying two of the same colored slots.

well that helps… cause you’ll never be able to run at max FSB if the RAM isn’t perfect.

What helps?

that you have them in the right spot.
Did you buy a gig of ram, or was it 2 512 sticks that aren’t the same?

2 512mb Crucial DDR400’s. Identical.

green slots first, purple last.

follow that chart.