Computer Issues F*CK

Get someone else’s vid card and see if it does the same.

I bet you anything it’s the video card not liking the BUS system

just give it to me and ill fix it :slight_smile:


Hmm I’m trying to think of someone with a comparable card.
I may have to end up RMAing this VC…damnit.

dont RMA it till i look at it



check the hdd… so what if it’s new.

alright don’t beat me up:P



I had one IE window open and I typed in (ENTER)…FREEZE!

Put your computer in the fridge and try it :slight_smile:
My computer was being a crazy little bastard
-ultra randam crashes, boot disk failures, freezing-
and it turned out The fan on the chipset was not going anywhere
new fan = ultra smooth

and NOTHING in my bios was flagging or ANYTHING for my temp. monitor stuff and they were set to the very min.

GL to you because i have no ideas.

I am going out of my mind!!!

I bought a floppy drive today because all of the RAM testing software requires me to use a floppy boot disk. So I in stall the floppy and move my hard drive down a space so it isn’t right on top of the floppy.

Now it won’t even boot to Windows. It just sits on the screen that says if I want to go to the BIOS then press Delete. I press Delete and nothing happens. I have to hold the power button down to get it to shut off.

It will not budge. So I unplug everything pull out the harddrive, check it over. I didn’t knick the circuits or anything. So I plug it back in and unplug the power from the floppy. This time I just plug the monitor in because it probably won’t work anyway. Turn it on…goes to the press delete for BIOS screen and then to the following screen that shows everything that is plugged into the motherboard. I have to hit F1 to get it to boot the O/S but my keyboard isnt plugged in. I turn off the computer. Plug in the keyboard and then plug the power back into the floppy.

Turn it on, nothing works again.

What is going on???

Aw shit I figured it out. For some reason with the mouse plugged into a USB port the computer wouldn’t boot properly. Why?? I don’t know. I just threw a mouse connection adapter on it and plugged it into the mouse recepticle and it works fine??


I reflashed the BIOS with a newer version yesterday. This took care of the USB conflicts I was experiencing.

The computer is still locking up randomly though. My fiance was transfering photos yesterday and she went to delete a few and the computer froze.
It actually froze last night when no one was even using it. I walked away and it was working, came back a few minutes later and it had locked up.

I turned down all the settings on Far Cry and turned off the shadowing and AA etc., kicked the resolution down to the lowest setting 700x??? and it still locked up at around the same point.

A friend looked at the computer and thinks that the Video Card is not functioning correctly. It still gives a display but it doesn’t seem like it will play this game at all.
I’ve read several reviews on this card and people claim to be playing BF2 and Doom3 at 60fps.

I used Prime95 and ran a torture test for 8 hours and got on to GIMP and gave it work to do in a 1 hour test. Everything Passed.

So what gives??

Could a bad video card be causing the random lock ups while browsing on the web or transfering files? Something is very wrong here.

yes it can, a bad video card can cause all sorts of issues.

OK sir, now do these sound like symptoms of a bad VideoCard?

no onboard video on that motherboard to try?..if u have onboard video u can plug into that and take out ur video card and give that a try for a few days and see if it clears up the random lock-ups and then take it from there

Freakin’, listen to me, and BORROW A VIDEO CARD TO TRY FOR A DAY OR SO.


I dont know anyone with a spare PCI express 16x video card.

No on board video with my mother board unfortunately. I wish there was now.

Wow, alot of shit going on there…
almost all of it sounds like a vid card conflict.
Take Howie’s advice.

Do You have an AGP slot?
If the answer is yes, I have a card or two that I could loan You.


i got something to loan u, come pick it up i live near UB north campus

EDIT: dunno if its 16x but it IS pci