Computer People HELPPPP

which repair did you do? theres technically 2 on the disk. If you chose the first repair you saw there are tools in there to help but its all command line. Go thru the install like your going to reinstlal windows, it will get to a point and tell you that it found a previous version and to press R to repair it.

anytime i call into a tech line or something I keep asking for an american that speaks english until i get one…

Give it to me. I’ll get the stuff off of it that you want. I’m in Brentwood. Message me and I’ll give details.


If you don’t like throwing away a lot of money, drop me a line!! I am cheaper than those posers!

call geek squad this is a very very very serious problem with your crontab!

Are you telling me that you’re better than the Geek Squad at fixing cron issues on laptops? pfffffffffffft


geek squad>*

i dunno. i hear firedog is on the up!

That’s why I got me a usb to IDE/laptop IDE/SATA adapter and old fashion laptop adapter for those drives that don’t work with usb adapter for recovering data on a nice working system with a burner!

buy a mac :dunno: I havent had not one issue in the last 3 years

It rebooted back to everything gone on it …is there anyway to get the old files or are they goners ?

dude… you are crazy. those posers are the freaking shit! they mounted all my exchange store on my Redhat box in like 5 minutes. They hooked up my Fiber card to my NAS head in like 2 minutes. these crazy kids made sick findings in my Crontab by going in through the control panel. You are the one that is a poser my friend, these dudes are the real deal.

anyone know if u can get the old files back if its been rebooted