Computer problem..

aghh…it finally stopped on its own…this shit is wierd

Scrap Winows and install Linux. I can recommend two different distros: SUSE and UBUNTU. Stay away from junk like RedHat and TurboLinux. SUSE is more polished and refined, more of a corporate issue type of product. UBUNTU is more for the hobbiest, that’s what I have been running.

I was tired of rebuilding my Windows computer every time I let my kids use it, so now I dual-boot between Windows (for adults) and Linux (for the kiddies). Seems like all the virus-infected stuff and nasty spyware is added to sites that kids like to visit (aim buddy icon sites are some of the worst, any sites with cheats for video games are bad also).

Both distros come with FireFox and Gaim. You may have to do a lil work to add Win32 Codecs and MP3 playback (licensing issues) and, heaven forbid, you might learn something new.


I have 2 kids that use windows based pc’s a lot and never had a problem. If people would take 5 minutes to learn how to make windows nice instead of jumping on the “I hate bill gates” bandwagon, they would realize windows is the best OS out there right now. Linux will be better in a few years, but it’s nowhere close to windows right now. I goto game sites and download a bunch of weird shit a lot and I even use ie7 at home, I have no problems with spyware or virus’s.

People just want an excuse to hate on the #1 company in the IT world. Just wait till mac or linux picks up speed and everyone starts writing virus’s for them instead of Microsoft.



“junk like RedHat”

Are you serious?

you should know a lot of people are against redhat…it was popular as hell back in the day…ubuntu seems to be on the rise…yay debian distros(yea…right…)

i guess for internet warrior geek squad types… i’m working at a place with 300+ production linux servers… 250 are red hat and 50 are suse. so this on the rise bullshit is probably just people playing on their home computers and posting on ball-ride websites… i use CentOS on my linux machine… but who cares.

if you’re really worried about your kids f’ing up a computer… just boot a PE disk and let them play online… my modified barts PE disk boots just like a stripped windows xp… knoppix is the linux pe distro.

Viruses aren’t the OS’s fault. Security holes and memory leaks are.
Who would have thought virus scans and anti-spyware programs really work?
Go figure.

Oh and I recommend AGAINST the new AIM, it runs about 3 different programs, downgrade and use the old one. I hate all the memory it was taking up. I’d use AIM 4.5 if it wasn’t for the fact you can decode saved passwords in 5-10 seconds.

Oh and random music usually = AIM advertisements.

Security holes are part of the OS…but then again…it isn’t the OS’s fault…it’s the idiots who made it…it comes down to
Windows=everyone will make computer-HIV to attack you
Linux=A lot of things aren’t supported so readily
Mac=everyone will hate you and call you a :tool:
make your choice…and notice mac came last…
and the members on here keep complaining of noises while aim is open(running in background) DISABLE THE SOUNDS IN THE SETTING MENU!:blue: