The 5 most annoying programs on your PC

I totally agree with number 1

The 5 most annoying programs on your PC

anyothers you would add?


Fortunately there are tons of clients to get around that.

that list BLOWS. how the fuck is it that acrobat reader is annoying? god that guy sucks


thats probably the worst list ever.

I really hate acrobat as well, seems to not work well with firefox.


I completely agree with that list, except replace Outlook with Lotus Notes.

Acrobat sucks because it is slow, huge for what it does (which isn’t much), and phones home constantly. Not to mention it likes to hang up Firefox and doesn’t actually stop running when you close the document.

Lotus Notes is so bad that it actually makes me look back fondly on my days of using Outlook.

Not many programs that annoy me to be honest. if they do its called…uninstall. Then they are less annoying. =/

#1 is the only one that annoys me, I hate unexpected PDF links. SURPRISE! WE’RE GOING TO SLOW DOWN YOUR FUCKING COMPUTER FOR THE NEXT 90 SECONDS!

iTunes is a joke, its media player is awful compared to winamp and others. When you watch a movie you have to only be doing that and try not to move the mouse at all(even on a amd 3500+ with 2gigs of ram)

only one that annoys me is acrobat when i am trying to look at a part or something i want to buy and it takes 2982981 years to load

yeah, acrobat is annoying… foxit FTW

also can’t stand windows messenger under XP… you run media center once and it’ll never go away (not very easily at least)

Itunes is annoying as shit too… I refuse to install it on my machine. So freaking bloated for what it’s supposed to be

i agree with real player… and i’d like to agree with Ie but sadly you kind of need it since most pages are programmed poorly :frowning:

Abode - Use adobe acrobat version 5 or older…
Itunes - Foobar 2000, cause its seriously just the shit…
Real Player - I think foobar2000 will play any realplayer format, I tend to avoid those extentions
Internet Explorer - Obvious
Outlook - Thunderbird, its really a shame that you are kind of forced to use outlook for an exchange calendar… If anyone knows of another way i would greatly appreciate it, I just haven’t looked into it too much.
Aim - Version 5.2.3281 + Dead aim 4.5 = Perfect mix
Windows Media player - WHO ACTUALLY USES IT!!! ICK!!! Music = Foobar2000, Video = Videolan (probably the best thing out there, unfortunately some videos dont run, .0001%)

just run linux and problem solved

yea that sounds like a super plan… being that lots of what some people do maybe completely dependant on windows…

Examples - a customer service survey, the online software requires windows
Exchange calendars, customer tracking programs…

Sure you could use VMware, but for the basic user… who uses programs like AIM, itunes, or blah blah blah.

Linux is not the answer, or how about that guy that wants dual monitors… sure just edit the xorg.conf but is your simple user going to be able to do this? No

I swear some Linux people are worse than Mac users

Because Mac OSX is UNIX based and pretty close to the same thing as Linux…

no kidding… i meant as in their have their heads soo far up their asses that people should be using what they use cause its soooooo much better than everything else

A lot of businesses are going to hosted apps anyways…I think a lot of places will become less windows dependent.