The 5 most annoying programs on your PC

I use what I need to to get the job done… I just hate hearing comments like:

which has next to no input at all to the topic at hand. Of course me bitching about this contributed nothing either. Its just fucking irritating.

lick my balls…since switching to linux i have not encountered one problem and I do everything that I did on windows without a problem and I am not even that good with computers…my shit doesnt get bogged down even on my old laptop…so again lick my balls…i am off to go chat on instant messanger, read a large PDF file, do some CAD drawings while listening to music and leaving this thread open…i might even check my email while I am at it…all without bogging down or crashing

ummm osx is unix based

Processing Error: 404 sarcasm not found


Mcafee should be on that list.


There I edited do you feel better??

I know its UNIX based…Its actually BSD based…

windows is the most annoying program on my pc


Congratulations, I’m glad YOUR life works with Linux. You still are missing the point, saying “OMG LINUX IS AMAZING SWITCH OVER” DOESN’T SOLVE PROBLEMS FOR OTHERS!!

Some people simply CAN NOT switch over to Linux. If Ubuntu wasn’t so easy to switch over I wouldn’t suggest switching over to Linux unless you were an advanced user.

Personally I don’t have a clue how you made the switch over, you must have just gotten lucky and everything just worked, idiot.

Please tell me what happens when you want to do the following, really basic stuff.

A) You live on a campus who seems to only have a problem with Linux distributions. (IE University at Buffalo)

B) You want to use 2 monitors, what do you do then. Unless ubuntu or what ever the fuck you uses made that easy. Oh, Nvidia and ATI have different pieces of code you have to put into the xorg.conf. So you really can’t just copy and paste a friends xorg.conf into yours… but you have the same monitors… but different video cards.

C) Getting songs on your Ipod, do you use itunes through wine, or cedega. Or could you google for an alternative.

I’m sorry to even ask the great linux god Who can chat on instant messanger, read a large PDF file, do some CAD drawings while listening to music and leaving this thread open, oh and read his email too. FUCKING NUTS MAN!! INSANE!!! YOU ARE MY IDOL!!


Yea I agree. I switched and used Fedora but there are certain things that I just couldn’t do and dont care to spend hours and hours trying to get working right. Windows runs fine for me. I run my desktop weeks at a time. Personally, I like the prettyness of the gui in windows too. I dont care for the linux gtk look and with my dual monitors, its a pain in the ass.

PS. When did opening a large PDF file become a sign of a good OS?

BSD is a unix flavor, your just splitting hairs now man

edit: I’m going to add more info on top of that(for those that do not know). OSX is written on top of an Operating System called Darwin OS. Darwin OS was developed by apple by combining code from FreeBSD and NEXTSTEP and by Apple themselves. All the fancy shit that you see is just a windowing system to allow users to interact with Darwin easily.

ILC, Cannonical is doing pretty good things with their software.

There is a solution for exchange calendaring on Linux, its called Evolution and its one of the most popular email clients for linux users. I have seen wine run remedy user just fine. Office is the biggest solution that doesnt really have a great solution. Thats just an FYI.

With that said, you shouldnt just run linux/mac/solaris/bsd just because you hate M$, you should do it because it suits you best. I personally love unix based OSes and fully support what the open source community is doing for computing. Its too bad I already don’t have enough time on my hands, or else I would really like to find a way to give back to that community.

Did your father type this for you?

my father knows very little about computers in general

like father like son :slight_smile:

creative…guess that explains why i’m graduating this spring…

god damn it… you are off today! where is the tommy poo I love soo much

these OS debates really get under my skin man. I dont know why it bothers me so much. :shakeshead:

Try using Novell Groupwise. My work insists on using this. It is beyond awful.

I agree with the list for the most part.My computer handles all that shit just fine,however the computers at work are a different story.I havent used most of that software in years.

My most annoying program is Steam.


Fuck that OS.