Computer Tech Help


Define: “don’t work?”


Understand that a lot of programs use external DLLs/applications to work so you can get out of sync.

not to change topic but ive actually deleted entire directorys where ive had programs installed… and then if i try useing the shortcut vista actually runs the shit… like itunes… if you install it then remove the entire directory its installed into you can still run itunes from the start menu… pretty neat if you accidently delete somthing forever… not so neat if you really want the shit gone., ive not done much reading up on vista as to im just to busy working and then with the baby and everything theres just not time to sit down and read tech articals… is anyone here knowlegeable enough of vista to tell me how thats possable? is that some secret microsoft joke or is it that unless uninstalled properly the software will still be resident some how in the directory structure of the operating system?

Not sure how it runs if you delete the actual directory. I would assume you removed necessary files for the application. It’s possible to delete some DLls and the application would search the system for other versions. It depends how it’s compiled/programmed.