Congrats to all 1990 nissan 240sx owners!

Sorry John, but the only thing to miss about Canada is the people. I can’t think of a single thing that would make me come back other than my friends and family. I’m really curious what you miss though, mind listing a few things?

^simple word of thumb feint, “If sparks don’t fly, your too high!”

well as of right now i am at ride height…but hopefully i am as low as i can go with the kit on by summer time…i dont have to worry about being very low to the ground to get a TSI because i work there but for anyone else that wants to get a TSI and has a low car just let me know if you wanna come to my work and ill hook you up with one…just make sure you car is low enough so that it cant be driven up on ramps…my buddy has a 98 cavalier with kyb agx adjustables and goldline springs with a kit and hes too low to get onto the dyno so it gets TSI everytime it requires an e-test…my other buddy has a dodge avenger that lowered but not bad enough to not be able to get on the dyno and he runs no cat… its just straight pipe but hes the one that does the e-tests so he gets away with it…lol…but yeah if you want a hook up come to my work here in london…i work at the horton st canadian tire…

  1. Just like you, friends and family
  2. My car
  3. My car
  4. My Car
  5. My car
  6. An 18oz Steak at Zet’s
  7. Jamaican beef paty at Randy’s
  8. Crazy bread and crazy sauce at little ceasers
  9. A snowball??? whatever don’t ask.
  10. Buying things for normal prices (things in Europe are super expensive!)
  11. Places I haven’t been to since I left.
  12. Some girlfriends!
  13. Chicken wings at La Nova (in Buffalo)
  14. Chicken Pad thai at Thai Express
  15. Did I mention My Car?

Anthony you haven’t been away long enough, once you get over 3 years then you will see how sometimes we can miss even the little things that we took for granted when we were in Canada. Right now your still fresh, your still in the excitement stage, where everything is new and exciting and completely different, your out on your own doing your own thing. But one day you will get bored and things there will start pissing you off and then you will start missing things back home. I just started missing things back home now, give your self 3 years away and only visiting canada for only 2 weeks per year and you will see what I’m talking about!.. Right now enjoy this time because it’s the best time and don’t worry about what will happen ion 3 years, have as much fun as possible right now!

The funny thing is I only miss Canada when it’s winter here. However between May and September I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else in the world but in the Greek islands!

Haha, yea, I miss my car too, but you can just buy a 180 there! It’s a bit harder for me here, since foreign cars are expensive and hard to get, plus driving in Korea is about as unsafe as it gets.
Steak is a good point though, I haven’t had a decent steak since I came to Korea. Japan has some wicked steak though, ate some Kobe beef when I was there too, damn near wet myself.
Other food… I miss Hero Burger and shawarma at Pita & Grill.
Prices are the complete opposite here, much much cheaper, I’m loving it :smiley: I’m gonna be pissed when I come back to Canada and have to pay $10 for lunch again.
We actually got dumped on with snow big time yesterday, was sooooo pissed that the white shit followed me here. Everyone is telling me that this is the worst winter they’ve had for as long as they can remember :frowning:

lol to get past the e testing my buddy has his cottage in tiverton as his adress and he odesnt have to e test at all just safety

they are not allowed to refuse you… they can lose their etest license if they do…

there are a few ways they can refuse you…and thats if there is visable smoke coming from the exhaust…exhaust leak…fuel leak…and theres a couple others too