You now own a 20 year old vehicle that could be considerd a classic soon! And guess what??? … NO MORE E-TESTING FOR US !!! WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!
still needs etesting lol
they stopped the 20 year emission test anything before 1987 is exempt. thats it. sorry but we still all have to test our s13’s
Yea, the latest non etesters are 89, they stopped the 20yr thing
89??? i think they still need em. like said 87 is the last one. i own an 89 and need an etest.
i cant wait until they extend the e-test rule to 1990 or something… will make the value of pignoses go up…lol
Sorry nate typo, you caught me
meh… with my car ebing as low as it is and with a rb… its like not needing a etest at all… last time they couldnt even get my car into the shop so they just passed me
lol thats alright ill just TSI mine…garenteed pass everytime…and i dont even need to run a cat. converter
really, lol i was waiting for 2011 so my 91 could be exempt from e-tests
I’ve been out of Canada too long… when did they change it? THAT SUCKS!!!
in 2008 or something like that…
yeah i was bummed when i found out.
me too but they changed it to 87 and under
i dunno if anyone knew this but…if you are affraid of failing an e-test then just lower your car as much as you can (make sure you can still drive it obviously) and find a place with an above ground dyno and they will TSI it…our e-test guys at my work have been doing e-tests ever since they started doing it and they have never had a TSI fail…if the car is too low it cant be driving up on the dyno so they have no choice but to TSI it…
Well that happened to me they told me to go elsewhere…lol
I was about to sya
youve been out of canada too long
You still own that red s13?
its still in canada? lol
sell it to me
lol well then come to my work…lol we always do lowered cars…
Yeah I still got it!!! It’s sleeping in my garage! I will never sell my S13! EVER!
I have been in Europe since July of 2007 and every year I come to Canada for a few weeks, I will be there around Easter for 2-3 weeks. If all goes as planned I will be back for good by the end of this year!
I’m starting to miss out on a lot of things back home, 3 years is a long time to be away but the money is good and this is why I do it, on the bright side I bought my house in 2006 and my house will be completely mortgage free by the end of 2010! Payed off my whole house in 4 years! Sacrificing 4 years of my life is a small price to pay for having such a big weight taken off my shoulders… and plus it wasn’t bad at all, I had a awesome time here in Europe, I traveled a lot, saw many places, had many experiences, had a great time with many women, met many great people and made many connections so I have no regrets!
I want to come home but at the same time I will miss all this…
…a lot!
How low do you ride? I sit as low as I can without my tires rubbing the wheel wells while driving and I still don’t think I am that low.