Conklin's new helmet V.Sabres

Why? He is so over-rated. I don’t get all the gloss he gets around here. THe Sabres have one of the top defences in the league. His stats should be good. He gives up rebounds, constantly gets beat high on the stick side and lately has been over-comitting. For all the felators, I’ll give you the fact that he is great on brakeaways, but there aren’t any shoot outs in the playoffs. I can think of about 5 other goalies I rather have going into the playoffs. I never even thought he was really that much or any better than Biron. I am willing to bet that Biron’s stats with Philly are better and Miller’s here next year. And Buffalo’s def is way better. We will need him to steal us a few games if we plan on maiking a deep run in the playoffs and I don’t see him carying this team to the cup. He’s just not good enough. He gets caught up in his own dome way too much. Not a good thing for a goalie. And why the hell is a goalie that’s 6’3" get beat high constantly? He’s not all he’s cracked up to be. He’s certinly no Martin Brodeur.

… but I do like Conk’s new mask. :slight_smile: