connecting battery kill switch

I have a battery kill switch with 2 cords, one for the bat and one for the ground, Im not using this as a battery relocation wire and just a kill switch, a theft deturint if u will ( i have plans dont ask)
anyways shoudl the battery cable be hooked up to the positve and the ground to the ground?

hook the switch on the ground side it really doesn’t matter. but just cut one of the cables and put one end of the wire and one side and the other end on the other side and it would work fine
flick the switch when you want to complete the circuit and switch it back when you want to leave the car or whatever and your battery will be disconnected.

wasnt this discussed before?

but anyways…it was kind of a split concensus…some said positive some said negative…personally i said jus end it all and wire both lol which caused to draw some jeers :frowning:

Sure has been talked about a while back. The outcome was its best you break the ground wire. Expessially in the case this wire gets pinched or spliced open its not going to do much other than your car will still have power with the switch in the open/cut position. Find the other topic in the case u want to get further details. I belive it was alex who posted this queston before.