Construction at the house

no way is the hubby moving to WV (I am a VA girl, no way am I moving to WV either lol–we don’t have “stump trained” anything hahaha) he wants to stay local, close to his mom and dad…which are here. :dunno: I would move back to Los Angeles if it were up to me, but for him, nothing doing…he hates it…

Peters Twp is in Washington Co. Its a really nice area, and indeed good schools. A bit pricey though, as your taxes will probably not go down. Im not sure where you guys work, but Finleyville/Venetia is around Peters Twp area and nice and alot cheaper. Most parts of Venetia you can get Peters Twp school district. Finleyville is Ringgold school district, which is shitty. ( i went there, lol). Eighty Four is also nice, in the country yet less than 15 min from washington or mcmurray where you can shop and stuff. If you need any answers on whats a good location and whats not, let me know, Ive lived just about all over Washington/Westmoreland Co. Good luck with the kitchen!!! I agree it looked great to begin with!!!

Work is going very quickly.

Last night, Doug started pulling up the floor, and the dog did not like that…he was scared…

Today the rest of the floor came up, countertop came out and the cabinets and everything…before lunch…

Lunch break!!

Hardibacker going in right now.

I’m glad my uncle is a cabinet/furniture maker! When my parents re-did our kitchen a few years back I was shocked at what good cabinet sets cost. Anything that was made from real wood was thousands of dollars… and for the size we needed along with our island would of been able to buy a nice used car. My uncle just charged us for materials to build them. They are awesome.

Always good to have someone in the family :smiley: That was a great deal!

I have a huge family, so there are lots of helpers! My Grandpa on my Dad’s side is 1 of 13 kids and my Dad is 1 of 11… so there is always someone to help or borrow a tool from. :rofl:

looks good, but i would just kept that old kitchen especially if you were selling, it looked real nice

thanks, but like I said it was never fully finished…

i hope don at least fills all your hole with caulk. :bj:

WOOT! Being installed right now :slight_smile:

Who let the mountain lion in your kitchen?:eek4dance

your husband and his crew look kinda familiar. i grew up on the greensburg pike and went to woody high back in the 90s. I lived in forest hills then later in seville square up the street from bobs lounge and accross from westinghouse park.

Murrysville is way over priced and the kids in the schools there are spoiled brats… You would be better off to look for property in one of the neighboring towns… Delmont, Export, etc… You find the land cheaper and not be annoyed by all the snobs in Murrysville.

HAHA LOL We live 2 houses from Bobs. He’s lived here for almost 8 years… :smiley: Doug grew up off Churchill road, He went to the HS in turtle creek, when it was a HS. 1987. I am sure you have probably run into him from time to time over the years. He was in the #1 VFD for 19 years…His dad is the tax colletor, good old Georgie Porado taking everyones money. :bowrofl: His gpa was the commissioner and police chief back in the day.

Ever go to any keggers on the golf course (churchill?) He was there. :slight_smile:

anyhoo…funny LOL

Got this installed today, thank goodness…it has been 85º in here b/c the ac stopped :eek: …

Also got hardibacker board all installed, holes and nail holes patched up, walls mudded and sanded and primed for the most part, a few places here and there that the mud is not dried yet. I think Doug and I are painting tonight…gonna be a late one…he wants it painted b4 the flooring goes in, doesn’t matter if we splatter a little here and there lol.

damn, that crew moves fast. looks good.

yeah, 4 guys in a small room, they can knock it out. Floor tile arrives tomorrow, hopefully early, maybe have my cabinets, sink, dishwasher and stove re-installed by the afternoon. Washing dishes in the sink in the basement sucks! :scared:

hey if there is another crew that can volunteer:x:has a week off i could use some work. let me know. seriously they have been kicking ass.

bet teh house is gonna be night and day difference once everything is done. good luck finishing it

dat’s “da boz” officially Bosworth…he’s a hunka hunka burning love :smiley: 175 lbs of pure Johnson American Bulldog…here he is, by himself and w/ my best friend for size comparison…note his head is bigger than hers…Also note the dog slobber has eaten away the paint off the back door :hsdance: He’s a big ole luv ya pup unless he doesn’t know ya, then you are dinner to him!!!

once they finish the kitchen they have the roof to replace and then a cement pad to pour and a shed to install, and then off to more real (contracted) work. We do commercial work, not residential (unless you are Nick Hoban who just sold his building downtown for like $20M or some shit-- then we are at your disposal doing cal custom work–he HAD to have us do the work-- lol doing his back patio right now–he’s extra cool and is like “whatever it takes, however much I don’t care…we are having a party on friday” (keep the wife happy) and want the patio done at whatever cost" who would turn that down???) , it’s easy and quick for them to knock out our teensy kitchen when they are used to doing jobs over 2000+ sq ft in a week.