Construction truck cracked my windshield

I was driving to an appointment yesterday and some idiot truck driver gets on the 33 right before the 198 split and swings his truck into my lane right in front of me trying to stay on the 33. As he does this i see stones come flying out of the truck and next thing you know they are peppering my windshield, causing 2 spiderweb cracks. I swung around the side to get the company name off the door of his truck before i had to turn off and go on the 198.

Does anyone know how I can go about getting them to fix or replace my windshield? Being a 22 year old car i only have liability but i want my car fixed to the point it was at before this happened. There has to be a way of recouping costs associated with damage caused by construction vehicles which in my opinion shouldnt be flying down the thruway cutting people off with a load of stones in the first place.

buy a new windshield or spend x hours in court

i had a rock hit my window from the sweeper guys in the when they put the round abouts in here. all they wanted to do was the injection bullshit so i just said fuck it and waited till i needed one…

What car was this in? And you should of got the plate number and went to the police or contact the town or city of the road and file a complaint, and they should pay for it, town of hamburg payed for my truck to be fixed from neglecting to fix holiday lane… Next day they paved the road too

I had this happen to me too on the 90->219 merge.

Big giant whopper right in front of my view. Wasn’t a spider web at the time, but over a few days it cracked from top to bottom. I was pretty upset. But I have no deductible on glass because of shit like that… and I live country land where we have stone roads and it happens often.

Things like this annoy me. It’s nothing of your fault, but you end up having to pay for it. At least it’s an old car and not the end of the world. How’d you feel if he did that to your brand new sports car that you’ve busted your ass for years to be able to afford. Put some nice dingers in that fresh paint.

Contact the company and see if they’ll take care of it outright. Their auto or general liability policy should cover the damages.

im going to contact them monday and see if they will just pay for the injection shit. Its not to bad but i know it will get alot worse and just dont want to have to worry every time i hit a bump if its going to split or not. I bought the injection stuff to do myself but the crack is between the layers, just a pin hole on top then bullseye/spiderweb in middle and the inside has no damage. I was going to do it myself but i think you have to drill out the top layer to fill it, and im not going to start messing around with it if i can just have them pay the $60 or whatever its going to cost to be fixed right.

@honda4life It was in a talon and it wasnt a city vehicle it was a private contracting company. I got as much info as i could written down as soon as i could, name/time/location i didnt get the plate number because as soon as i saw the stones tumbling off the back and pinging off my hood and windshield i pulled around the truck, rather then trying to get the plate number. It had the company name and logo plastered all over the side of the doors so i could see that at least.

What company? Unless you get the plate number, EXACT location and time of the accident, you are out of luck. Most companies have GPS on their trucks, and unless their info matches yours, no sale. It is kind of hard to fly in and out of traffic with 20ton of stone on your truck also… I had a stone crack my windshield last year, I am in the business, and knew the owner of the truck the stone came from. I just called my insurance and had it replaced anyway. It’s hard to fight for something you can’t prove.

Add glass coverage to your insurance and live with it for a couple months and then get it replaced. It’s stupid cheap for the coverage as far as insurance goes.

next time call the police and file a report. follow the truck so when the police get there they can see that he is dumping stone from his bed and include that in the report. Without that I have a feeling you are on your own on this one.

Yeah, a police report would have solved this. Unfortunately now there isn’t any reason for them to believe your story. It’s unfortunate but false claims are made all the time which make companies less inclined to help.

i have the exact time and location, there was no “construction vehicle do not follow” sign on the back and besides that i was not following he pulled in front of me. I had no reason to make a police report at the time because the damage was not immediatly noticable but i knew i got hit by the 2 loud bangs on the glass and several lesser sounds of gravel hitting my hood. When i got to where i was going i did a full inspection and i had one crack on the left side of the window right next to the black part, and one smaller chip behind my rearview mirror.

Say the rocks fell directly off the truck, once they hit the ground they are not technically responsible for them. I was on a highway at night in my M3 and a dump truck pulled out right in front of me dumping rocks all over. Cracked my fog light and window. I ended up getting over $800 from them for the damages.

My grandpa had something like this happen to his car. Contacted the town or city (can’t remember where it happened), and they payed to replace his windshield.

I ran over a piece of concrete about the size of a smaller floor jack. I hit this going 65+ in the center lane of the 290 during my morning commute. It almost ripped the front wheel off, but I couldn’t prove it was from the Town.

^^^ Wasn’t a town or city truck unfortunately for his situation.

No it wasnt, i know the towns and cities try to limit liability for things like this, like if you hit a pothole they wont pay for it unless it is a known danger which wasnt repaired in a timely fashion. Im just hoping the company decides to pay the few bucks to fix it since im not asking for a whole window it should be rather cheap, its worth a shot to save some money i guess.

Its mostly a matter of principle, i know these people have jobs to do, but if you just dropped off a load of stone and there are rocks falling out of the back of your truck you should probably stay off thruways and if thats not a possibility at least dont pull in front of cars that could fit under the truck. Those rocks fall right onto the hood and window and is a safety issue. What if they had a load of pipe and one fell off and went through the window of a car killing someone? Could they just say “well you should of been more careful.”

If a load of pipe had killed someone there would have been a police report :frowning:

Sure it’s a matter of principle, but the world doesn’t operate that way all the time.

And this is why we have insurance to cover stuff like this…

What if a rock had fallen in a “falling rock zone” and cracked your front bumper/lip and ruined your exhaust because it was a boulder? Does that sign prevent anything from happening ?

Had this happen to me yesterday. I was driving down walden and a construction dump truck dropped a stone that bounced and hit my windshield, and left a nice 12" crack. I got the license plate number, called the police, and went to my insurance agent. I don’t gave glass coverage though because I’m cheap. fml