Truck/Rock Damage

Ok, if you are driving on the thruway and you are behind a truck and they drop rocks all over the front of your car while driving, what can you do? I was behind a truck today and he was dropping rocks everywhere and a ton blasted the front of my car and I have a few scratches in my hood and two chips in my windshield. I took his/her plate number - what can I do (if anything)?

nope nothin.

I thought that trucks/semi’s that haul shit like that have extra insurance for this exact reason, thats fucking retarded :tdown:

i would think they would be required to secure their load.


I thought that trucks/semi’s that haul shit like that have extra insurance for this exact reason, thats fucking retarded :tdown:


You could call the company of said truck and see what they say. You could get an owner like my uncle who fixed a guys windshield last year just because he has insurance for it and it was easier than arguing with the guy… or you may get a dick who tells you to pound salt.

I got rock droped on my car and one cracked my window, the popo filed a report but my insurance and there insurance said act of god and I had to use my insurence and pay the deductible to get it fixed. onlypositive was my insurance didn’t go up

bleh, I don’t know the company only the plate… was in busy traffic this morning on the 198 right at the split, he was headed off the niagara falls area, I was headed to buffalo. All I got was the plate number, the fact it was red, and it was an oversized load :frowning:


bleh, I don’t know the company only the plate… was in busy traffic this morning on the 198 right at the split, he was headed off the niagara falls area, I was headed to buffalo. All I got was the plate number, the fact it was red, and it was an oversized load :frowning:


Well then you are probably fucked because id say 70% of all construction trucks are red and overloaded.


Well then you are probably fucked because id say 70% of all construction trucks are red and overloaded.


I realize this, I’m not exactly that awake firs tthing in the morning, all though evne if i was on my A game I couldn’t have even cut over to follow him, and there was no chance at seeing what the company was. Getting the plate number was lucky.

man bad last two weeks for the sti, hit curb at autox, bad wheel bearings, friend opened his truck door into my fender, now this :tdown:

That sucks, man. But, that’s life…


man bad last two weeks for the sti, hit curb at autox, bad wheel bearings, friend opened his truck door into my fender, now this :tdown:


Got you beat, i think.

what else happened to your car other than the parkinglot incident? i haven’t been as bored at work lately so less MSN chats :stuck_out_tongue:

Avoid driving behind any large dump truck, they all have loose stone and dirt on them.


Avoid driving behind any large dump truck, they all have loose stone and dirt on them.



On the 90 I might be able to understand. Even there I’ll back off a ways, and make a ricer flyby on the far shoulder trying to stay clear of the debris.

But the 198? It’s 3 miles long. You couldn’t lose the 30 seconds to hang back far enough going what ever speed he was so that the rocks weren’t hitting your car?

But yeah, at this point there is pretty much nothing you can do. Even if the cops would do something with that plate number, which they won’t, by the time they found the truck it would probably be empty. Even if it isn’t, it’s your word against his that his truck caused your damage.

This is why I hate summer. I can’t drive for 10 minutes without getting behind a dump truck.



On the 90 I might be able to understand. Even there I’ll back off a ways, and make a ricer flyby on the far shoulder trying to stay clear of the debris.

But the 198? It’s 3 miles long. You couldn’t lose the 30 seconds to hang back far enough going what ever speed he was so that the rocks weren’t hitting your car?

But yeah, at this point there is pretty much nothing you can do. Even if the cops would do something with that plate number, which they won’t, by the time they found the truck it would probably be empty. Even if it isn’t, it’s your word against his that his truck caused your damage.


no, he was slowing down at the split, and as he started turning it came off and into my lane… its not like i was driving behind him getting pelted and saying “man, i wish this guy would stop dropping rocks on my car”. Dunno about you, but I would have figured out pretty quickly to back off if i was just sitting behind him. :bloated:


what else happened to your car other than the parkinglot incident? i haven’t been as bored at work lately so less MSN chats :stuck_out_tongue:


just my car luck in general. lotus hit, then broken in to, then subaru hit.


no, he was slowing down at the split, and as he started turning it came off and into my lane… its not like i was driving behind him getting pelted and saying “man, i wish this guy would stop dropping rocks on my car”. Dunno about you, but I would have figured out pretty quickly to back off if i was just sitting behind him. :bloated:


Now you just have to figure out that being next to a dump truck is just as bad. :bloated:

Any time I see an open truck, the only place I want to be is in front of it, or WAAAAAY behind it.


Any time I see an open truck, the only place I want to be is in front of it, or WAAAAAY behind it.


werd… even if it’s not open.

that does suck though… been there man. Hope ya get it all fixed up

They’re required to secure their load. Even stuff like mulch and topsoil has to be swept off the outside of the truck, or else cops can nail the driver for it. I’m sure someone can track down the company via the plate, then try to get money out of them. It’s worth a shot.