had to get my windshield replaced this morning, and i just picked the truck up, and i am not happy. my drivers side window is almost completely off the track and i more or less have to pull it up with my hands to close it, and all of my window seals and moldings for the drivers door are either coming off or ripped. now, of course they deny they did anything, and that they ahd no reason to touch my doors while replacing a windshiled, but i know for a fact that it was not that way at all when i dropped it off there this morning. i basically went back and forth with the guy saying that they had no reason to touch my door blah blah blah and me saying it wasnt like that when i dropped it off. so he eventually just told me to come back tomorrow for whatever reason, but i have the feeling im just gonna end up arguing with a different person. all i kno is the door/window WAS NOT like that when i dropped the truck off, so somehwere in between when i dropped it off and picked it up, that happened. and theres also a nice scratch on my roof right at the windshield line, but it should buff out.
i have the feeling mayb what happened is they locked my keys in my truck and rather than have the decency to call me and say ‘hey, we accidentally locked your keys in your truck, can you bring us over another key so we can get in?’ they just tried breaking in. so, if u cant tell already, im really pissed. o and then to make things even better, when the guy was looking at it, he went back into the shop for a second and i heard him say something like “…nice truck…mom and dad must have bought it for him” i wanted to fucking kill that sonofabitch.
These assholes replaced my windshield in my 01 focus like 4 years ago. they called me and told me it was done. I said I’ll be done to pick it up in a hour or 2. I get there they are closed up and yup, my fucking car is locked up inside the shop. they never called me back or warned me on the phone what time they were closing or anything. I will never go back. This was the one on NF blvd by the way
hmm I didnt notice you had a crack in your windshield, If so I would have recomended a guy that comes right to your house and does it in front of you, he did an awsome job onthe jetta.
this was also the one on NF blvd and my windshild wasnt craked. i had a chip in it, and i have full glass insurance so i just got a new one…i should have left it with the chip in there.
Mike there is a state agency(vehicle safety/DMV) that looks into these things. the local office is on dingens in buffalo 716-826-3187 if you call they will send you a complaint form(sometimes you have to call albany to get one) only one stip- the shop has to be a registered repair shop (green sign) which most glass places are
on my old chevy truck, i must have taken it back there 5 or 6 times over the course of a year because the windshield kept leaking and they eventually jsut told me that my truck was old and the rust was causing it to leak. last i checked, there was no rust on the very edge of the roof where it meets the glass (which is where the leak was) and if there was rust, it was prob caused my them not sealing it right the first time and water got in there and sat. im gonna go back tomorrow and see what they say, be as civilized about it as i can and mayb use that agency that Pualy recomended i report them to as a but of a threat. i think i remember seeing a Better Bussiness Beurau sticker on thier door too, so mayb the BBB would like to hear about this as well…i have the feeling they’re gonna fix my truck…and damn fast!