Contract Ending.. Cell Users Chime In.

sprint sero.



What do you use ur phone for?
How many minutes do you need?
Who do you talk to?
Where do you use your phone?

Ask yourself questions like these and everyone can give you pros on cons about their carriers.

They use their own network however IIRC it is the same technology as sprint. Any other tower is considered roaming. So as previously stated, if you can get a cricket signal where you use the phone the most it may be worth it.

AT&T seems to get the best phones and Verizon has the best coverage. So what it comes down to is: do you want the best phones or the best coverage.

I have the chocolate, it works for me. I’m with Verizon now, and will probably stay with them…

I use the phone for communication. text/calling
All the other goodies… web/nav… not so much

iPhone /thread. Sorry. I could care less about that thing.

theres a reason verizon is a little more expensive then other cell providers, Its worth it. No other company has better reception then verizon.

^^ you gotta justify that with a location where it has better reception. They only have one digital tower in my county in CT… most of the county, where most of the people live… there’s absolutely 0 coverage now that they don’t sell phones with analog still.

It’s been probably 4 years or more since I’ve actually had to think about reception. AT&T always works… granted maybe in some weird location I’ve never been near around Buffalo it doesn’t work but … I haven’t found that place yet :slight_smile:

idk, where ever i seem to go my verizon gets alot better reception then any of my friends phones(pretty much every brand out there). My reception at my house barely comes in, but it is eden where all reception sucks and my friends dont get any reception inside my house.

Go to the Southern Tier. 0 AT&T coverage at all for about a 30 mile radius. Verizon service ftw, I’ve never found 1 area without coverage ever since getting my cell phone when I was 16.

Verizon > all thats all i can say about that to be honest. thier service is amazing.

Ive had verizon for 4 years now and i think it is the best deal yet. 100 dollars a month for the whole family(3 Phones). and you get service everywhere, every state that i have been in has given me full bars, but if your near the ocean you will only get 1-2 bars but still good. on the other hand my gf has cricket and she hates it, i sent her a message and i was sitting right next to her and it took almost 17hours to get to her. and she sent one to me and i got it within 2 minutes so deff. go with verizon. Best bet for your money.