Issues with Sprint?

Is anyone else having issues? I sometimes get a network error when I try and send texts. Sometimes I have to send it 3 times before it actually sends. I’m also getting multiple texts from people. I thought it was their phone at first, but it’s happened to me with more than one person. And when I try to send pics, sometimes it only sends half the pic.

I’m on hold with customer service right now. I doubt they’ll tell me anything is wrong.

Is it really that time that I make the switch over to Verizon?

Make the switch to AT&T Dawnnnnnnn…

im having the same problem with cricket, its been flawless except the last 3 days, the messages send when they want too. they will just say sending then not send and ill have to re send x times

Never had sprint, but i had cricket for a year and it sucked big time. Ive been with at&t for like 3 years and i never had a problem, besides breaking phones. Look into it Dawn.

Oooh. If I switch to AT&T I can get an Iphone. Hmmm… Haha. Will I be able to keep my same number? I’ve had this # since 10th grade. I wouldn’t want to lose it now!

Either way, I’m getting rid of Sprint. I just got off the phone with customer service, and they removed my data plan for no reason. I got a call yesterday to see if this was an error, told me they were adding it back, noted it in the computer that they added it back, and still never did! Ugh. I better not get charged.

Verizon or At&t is the way to go. I just switched from verizon to AT&T for the iPhone and yes you can keep your same number

That sucks. But hey switch over, a 8gb iphone costs like a $100 with a 2 yr agreement. You’d be a new customer.

been gettin multiples on and off all day.

It’s so annoying. I love getting “lol” 4 times in a row. At first I thought I was really funny. Guess not. Hmf.

go with t-mobile. they got 1000 minutes for $39.99 now.

T-mobile is aight, but at&t beats it just imo.

they are comparable except at&t has costly monthly plans

go with at&t. ive had them for 3 years now and havent had a single issue with them. ive used their warranty service as well and theyre very helpful. longest ive ever had to sit on hold was 3-5min.

I need a big company. I need to have service everywhere. T-Mobile and Cricket suck where I live. Although, Sprint is sucking pretty badly too. I’ll probably go with Verizon.

I pay like $70 a month. Don’t talk much on the phone, but i got unlimited txt/mms that i use alot. Their service is pretty well too. Like the signal i was deep underground and i still had all 5 bars.

If I switch to Verizon I can go on my mom’s plan and not have to pay a dime. Hahah.

Well there you go. The more free the better.

my sprint service has been good.

I also love when my phone doesn’t ring, and it just vibrates to let me know I have a voicemail. What the heck.

We had the same problem Dawn…Mike called asked to speak to a manager was on HOLD for an hour and the manager ended up giving us a $100 credit and all our phones have an unlimited data usage/internet until the year 2100! Just call and put your bitch face on! :wink:

But I would love a new iPhone… tough call.