Converting my S13

Well the time has come for a rather big change in the looks department with my current car. I will be ditching the carbon bonnet and D-Max bumper for other S15 FRP units.
Heres a current picture

And this is what I want.

Does anyone have some good examples of this S15 front conversion done to an accent S13?

thats sweet but can u narrow the front end to make it fit better ?

thats sweet but can u narrow the front end to make it fit better ?


thats sweet but can u narrow the front end to make it fit better ?

very jgtc look

wanna sell me ur hood?


As for the hood, its gonna be a tough call due to shipping. If I have a container its a possibility, but if I dont ill be selling it through Yahoo for dirt cheap. The Carbon bonnet is rather cheap in Japan

I would like it to be as narrow as possible as the rear over fenders will help blend this.

I would really like to see some examples of other converted S13’s. Someones holding out!

That’s a Widebody S15 Front End Aero.

The S15 front is not much wider than an S13.