Cool and useful Mac programs?


I just got a Macbook pro…

Transmit, Textmate, Xtorrent, Adium, Things, Parallels, info.xhead, AppZapper, Flip4Mac, iSquint, and Colloquy are my standard package.

nuff sed

gimp too, office 08 i have a copy

for doing what?

useful Mac programs?

windows :smiley:

Virtue desktops, CoRD, Vienna, Shakespeer, Transmission, Senuti

Useful Mac Programs? Does a such thing exist? :slight_smile:

does a such know jack of shit about macs?

cs3 (photoshop, indesign, illustrator, dreamweaver, flash)

edit: and of course you will need office mac

ignorance is bliss.

insomniac is a great app. for the mac laptops.

If you want to work with files created by Office 2007 then you’ll need… What’s that program called that lets you open the new mainstream office document format with a Mac? Oh yeah, Windows.

Seriously though, last I looked you can’t work with Office 07 files on a Mac.

yes you can

any office file with office 08 for mac…

i can do almost anything native in the mac os and if not can switch to parallels, with which i have:

server 2003
and vista

i can build working images unique to each client i demo software to, and then wipe it back to scratch, all while not having to boot from different disks, yes it can be done wih vmware etc but no where near as simply as it is on a mac

oh plus no vpn lockdown from my company, policies, antivirus etc


What’s your impression of the MacBook Pro?

I like VMWare Fusion instead of Parallels. I’ve had Parallels images get corrupted way too many times and so far Fusion has worked great.

Also, MenuMeters.

love mine, stable fast and even a little sexy…

but the 15" gets fucking HOTTT

17’s don’t but are huuuuuge

my 15" macbookpro gets So hot, it will literally burn you. I mean, you cannot leave your hand on it. (you could, but it really hurts)

Ah. I had checked into it at the beginning of the semester because my stats professor refuses to save his files in Office 2003 format and all the Mac people were fucked.

Sure enough, Office '08 for Mac is available for free from UB now. It wasn’t 2 months ago. Thanks!

can I haz free copy?