Cool concept - Ironbuds

I’ll be buying these when they go production as it seems genius. I’ve broken many pairs of ear buds from all sorts of brands

Video on the site.

I feel like the slightest tug of the cord will cause it to un-plug somewhere. Then u have to stop whatever ur doing and find whatever plug came un-done

other then color and appearance changes, is there a difference from bud to bud. i too and thinking like nick, a slight tug and it’s going to pop out.

I would think when they’re that small Brew it usually does… :haha

I like the idea but talk about building on a budget. Windows MS Paint doing work in that illustration!

Way to many connections/failure points.

And they’re talking about hi-fi earbuds but with every single connection point the audio quality drops :dunno

I wouldnt use 2mm phono jacks either

Yea I think the sound quality would absolutely suck and like I said, they’re Connaught come unplugged all over the place.

lock 1

Horrible idea. Ill stick to my SkullCandy’s. lock 2

lock 3

^ That.

Vlad this was a horrible idea to post about :lol :smiley:

Shut up Adam, it’s GENIUS!


Are we occupying this thread


Broken ear buds?! Cut the jack off, and learn to solder!

These suck and so do anything skullcandy makes.
$30 Sennheiser cx300 /thread

Here’s a headphone design I’ve been working on. I think it will prove to be very successful.

Probably would have sold out in the 90s.