Cop shoots resrtained dog in head

I dont know anything about the story behind this but I saw the video and I thought I would share…If you want to skip ahead go to about 5:45 and watch from there…

Sorry, cliffs? I cant watch that. There are many things I can watch, gore, blood… but the senseless killing of animals really bothers me.

  • 1, anyone that does watch it, know any other details?

you can clearly see him shoot the dog but its not gory…

They must have gotten a call about this dog and they had it retrained on the end of the stick…Im guessing that they needed to get it in the back of the truck and the only way to do it was to shoot it…It was pretty senseless…Maybe it was rabid…who knows…But by looking at the video it didnt seem justified…

Almost through up when I saw its tail wagging for 10-30 seconds after being shot :frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

The fatass cop was clearly some hothead rookie, had like 900lbs of shit on his little fannypack belt and took like 10 seconds putting his gun back in the holster.

I wish I didn’t watch that. The whole time, I was like “WHY IS HIS FUCKING GUN OUT?” As the situation seemed pretty controlled. The dog wasn’t coming at them, and in fact just lay down for part of it. When they had it on the end of the snare, it had even stopped resisting. The first shot didn’t kill it, as you can see the dog lay down, and its tail wag a little bit, until they shot it again.

Does this take place in the south?

This is why my boy doesn’t go outside. Too many nut cases.

Not watching this

People have trouble watching animal violence but if this was a vid of a person getting shot I’d bet we’d all watch.

Correct, but a dog is not just an “animal”. I have no problem hunting every single year and filling my freezer with meat. But senseless killings of domestic animals that are considered pets is a hard one to swallow.

I consider my dog as part of my family and who knows how I would react to someone killing him just because.

i would shoot them. but without knowing background info about this particular incident its hard to tell.

the most disturbing part is that the cop that shot the dog…took the time to position the car AND the dash camera to be sure to record the entire thing

Fucking scumbag cops… Lets shoot a dog who is scared because it’s getting yoked up by a stick with a noose at the end of it… Another prime reason for why cops need to be able to get video taped… They do irrational shit because they’re a “cop” and think they’re above the law.

what a scumbag I home some crimianl holds him down and shoots him in the head and says well he was agressive or better yet does it to his family member so he can watch it on you tube

Yep…everyone watched the video of the biker getting shot in the spine. But it’s too tough to watch a dog take some bullets? :retardclap

The difference is, as adults we understand the consequences for our actions. Shooting a DEFENSELESS animal is like shooting a child, that’s why it’s hard to watch.

Shooting a dog or any small animal (dog/cat especially as they are considered pets/family by many) is such a cowardly bitch pussy gay thing to do.

I lived in Albany and Newman was barking at some low life walking across the street. He started to walk on my property and I grabbed a meat clever (RONCO y0!) and opened the door. I’d be on CNN because I would have cut his ass.

So you think the biker understood that his speeding deserved a couple bullets in his BACK? You’re so right.

That fatass cop should get held by the neck with a pole and shot. Fucking bitch.

That is exceedingly difficult to watch…poor dog. :confused: Dumb fucking cop.
