
don’t bitch about living in the city… you know what comes with it. :blue:

last night around 2:30 a jeep came flying down my street, drove off of the road and onto a grass hill to get to his apartment a bit quicker…cop came down the other side of the street and missed the whole thing by about 1 min.

nice apartments…but alot of drunks like to drive through the yards to get home quicker :burnout:

lol …

You gotta love when neighbors bitch about little petty things. Its ethier my truck because its loud … my quad … because its VERY loud … or my friends and there loud cars. Dont get me wrong … I have some cool neighbors … but some are just total ass bags

I was riding my quad over the summer at around 2:00 in the afternoon… going to go riding … went up the road, back down the road, and up the road to leave (I forgot my phone) … so I pull a wheelie and proceed to ride it … and this fuck nuts came running out of his house (granted he just moved in like 2 weeks before) … and begins running his mouth about my “piece of shit” quad. Now granted … I have a FULLY built mx 400ex … Only thing stock on the quad is the frame and the basis of the motor. Hes bitching about how his fat ass fucking butter face wife works midnight and shes trying to sleep. The fucking tard keep ALL of windows AND doors wide open. Granted … my quad is loud as fuck … but comon … I wasn’t riding wheelies up and down the road for hours or anything. So I got pissed … did like 5-6 donuts in front of his house and part of the driveway … and went on with my day … :finger: him and the rest of the asshole neighbors that like to bitch about stupid shit

first off i wasn’t bitching about it. i was tellin a story of what happened. I also comented on how city cops don’t care about petty things like the loudness of an exhaust, thats a ggood thing. secondly, yes i know what comes with living in the city but doesn’t make it ok… Don’t worry suburb boy, the day will come when section 8 is in your neighborhood.

what is the purpose of this statement. go you :dunno: maybe he doesn;t know how bad ass your quads really are. :jerkit:

So I got pissed … did like 5-6 donuts in front of his house and part of the driveway … and went on with my day … :finger: him and the rest of the asshole neighbors that like to bitch about stupid shit

Wow that was really mature and showed him. Let me guess you live in the same area as suncawk. Ever think of telling the guy, you didn’t know since he just moved in 2 weeks ago. Then maybe handle it like an adult?

I think i know exactly what you mean… I live right on the bank of the river… i hear it even with the the barges being moved around all night

and i’m very surprised no one has complained about my car… especialy cuz i come home at 1 a.m. 1/2 the nights

ha, you could prolly yell over to me

Just telling a story man … u dont like it … then dont say anything or just go fuck yourself … ethier one works for me.

As far as the “handle it like an adult” part? … For what? … He wants to be a dick … ill be a bigger dick.

“Ever think of telling the guy, you didn’t know since he just moved in 2 weeks ago.” … lol … telling him what? … He was gonna bitch ethier way

So like i said … I was just telling a story …

fuck doin that shit back to each other.

If my neighbor came out and said something,Instead of calling the police.
I would be mature about it.
No need to act like a hothead over something really stupid. shit happens, some people i know doesnt see it that way :rolleyes: thats why thier assholes. its not like ANY of my neighbors have a 11month living with them.
only person should bitch is my family.

you suck at telling stories…

You said the guy just moved in 2 weeks ago and he is a nut. How can you tell that in 2 weeks has he cause you other problems? We wouldn;t knwo that since you preceeded the “nut” statments with your super cool description of your non stock quad. Thats why I said maybe try talking :rolleyes:

Your actions on the other hand just help give people ammo when they want to persue other means of actions againts people (IE the cops) and end up taking out on people not poping wheelies on a public roads, or doing cool burnouts to show him who is boss.

You give the impression that your other cool neighbors would include the Cawkmeister since he thinks that shit is acceptable as well.

You told the shitty story I critqued it. So fuck you very much…

Thats cool … You “critqued” my story …

Your the man now … Like I said … I was telling a story … You dont like … then go fuck yourself … I could less if you “liked” it or thought my actions were “acceptable” or not. Im sure you’ve done some dumb things in ur life … Its not a big deal … So fuck you very much