COPIED - Welcome - Tiger Japanese

I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Ali and Tiger Japanese into the network and our family of vendors.

I am sure many people here are familiar with Tiger and I’m sure we’re all looking forward to regular updates and specials posted through the forums.

Thanks for your support.

lol went in with a buddy trying to buy a type-r because it was so cheap

asked for compression test, they cranked it with a rachet and tell you its got perfect compression haha


what does that even mean.

bing, are we allowed to be as bias as we were before or?

interesting move


interesting situation, i did not realize the reaction would be as it is.

Tiger has been around a long time. I am coming across their name more and more outside of the importing cars / motorsets in my regular career. I’m interested in what they are doing.

I am sure you will all agree that this is not on the same level as Jeremy Boddy, who we disposed of given that he was obviously scamming people.

I think the issue here is the quality of product and service? If that is the case i think we’re in a grey area where that is not up to me/us to decide but to the consumer. Varun, AMS and I as well as others sell megan / ISIS / mishimoto / other asian-grade gear which to many may be percieved as being low quality. To others it serves a very useful purpose and is perfectly adequate.

Tiger came with good trade references and I had no issue accepting them. If people end up buying bad motors at discount prices i would not suggest that as being a cause for dismissal. It happens. If you want full service and full warranty then there are other vendors to go to for that. Tiger’s products or vehicles fill a niche in the market… unless people start getting scammed.

lets discuss in here rather than in the vnedor’s section please.

---------- Post added at 10:49 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 AM ----------

tim, being truthful and respectful is the way to go here.

for all rumors against there are rumors for… i’ve heard of Tiger being used by many of you guys to earn a profit for scopping and reselling as well as a host of other rumors… some not for sharing.

that said, we’ll let it play out.

if people getting all stupid we will moderate accordingly.

I’ve never had any problems with tiger before. i think its just a 50/50 situation 50 % of us like them and have had no problems and the other 50% bitch about a bad transaction or motor set they bought from them because they are cheaper then most people expecting the same quality as you would get from some of our more reputable sponsors like Varun. im interested to see how this will play out here on Son.

I’ve been to tiger and the quality is not there like it is with Varun, SG, Pur, Rightdrive. There cars a dinged up, busted to shit, missing enough interior components, flat tires, smashed up body panels windows, it just keeps going. Theres engines stacked on engines, stacked on more engines, stacked on more engines in a shit pile in the middle of the shop.

I don’t know why you would want a sponsor with that kind of product. Varun, Brightside, Garage16, AMS, you (bing) and other vendors sell quality product and are pretty good in terms of dealing with returns, exchanges and general service. SG, Pur, RightDrive same deal, there vendors because its quality product/service and they’re the type of organizations you want to send fellow enthusiasts to. They have good reputations and for good reason.

Sending people to tiger is more than likely going to end in a shit storm, if tiger was genuinly concerned with the quality of there product they wouldn’t stack engines and parts like their running a dump. Tiger has a shit reputation, and for good reason.

I get that you get what you pay for, i dont get why you would want to send people to a place where theres a good chance there going to be spending more money in the long run - it looks like a money grab, to me at least.

Thats why I say ‘interesting move’.

I just foresee a lot of noobs, that normally wouldn’t be aware of tiger… taking vendorship on son as some kind of vouch, and then getting way over their head with a shitty motorset/car/etc. The quality is literally laughable, as is there customer service, and post-sale help.

I wouldn’t vouch for them. And I think that anyone that doesn’t know, deserves to have an experienced opinion available to them.

Anyone else on this site 100% is vouchable, and I have no issues referring a noob to them. Tiger… definitely not.

i didnt solicit anything… never met them, never been there.

however, there is more to it than the feedback of users on the forums. They are sponsoring industry forums, like not internet forums, but CCIF (Canadian Collision Industry Forum) and getting engaged in other activities of note. I wont go into who the people are on this forum provided the connection and references but needless to say they are leaders in the community, people i trust very much and people you trust very much… that goes a long way.

that said, a lot of people on here will think anything is a money grab when it involves me… if i’m going to consider that in every decision nothing will get done.

people feel that they get ‘screwed’ by reputable businesses all the time; not our role to intervene.

We’ll deal with issues as they arise.

Tiger is set to be a title sponsor so they will have a banner appear in the main banner across the canadian forums when they provide it.

lets keep the discussion in here and out of the vendor section please… that is how we’ve dealt with these issues in the past and how we’ll continue to deal with them in the future.

I’m not suggesting that its a money grab because you are involved, I’ve dealt with you a couple times and it has been a smooth transaction. I don’t see a reason for a vendor with this reputation on this forum. Its valid that they are sponsoring indutry forums for collisions and other activities of note. But most people on this forum, arent engaging in those activities or looking for collision care.

There looking for a motor, or a jdm whip, or parts - which are all shit quality from tiger, i know it, 90% of the people on this forum know it, and you have to know it. You’ve been running this forum for years, and the shittiness of tiger product has been brought up multiple times since I joined a couple years back. With that in mind, its a move thats comin from the boonies. This forum doesnt need a sponsor who fucks people over. Like you said, businesses with good reputations occasionally slip up and you can’t prevent that, but its common knowledge this company fucks up severely on a daily basis and they do shit all to compensate for it. Like mark said, alot of kids comin onto this forum for the first time are gunna see tiger, see cheap prices, not know any better, buy shit product to get there car on the road, find out its shit then pay double or tripple to fix the mess - that IS avoidable.


I rarely post but I use the site frequently to source stuff and to get info. The site has been a terrific tool for that. I have no opinion regarding Tiger but I have seen posts with negative comments detailing the reasons to stay away. If you have positive references it would be nice for those of us that are relatively new to the site to see and hear them so we can accurately weigh the option of using Tiger or not. In my experience that has been the purpose of a reference.

The reality is that Tiger fills a niche in the market and they fill the niche well.

Need cheap parts that are always in stock? Done. Want a JDM car for the best price in the city? Done.

Will the car be the mintest thing in the world? Usually not. Will it be a ridiculous deal? Yes.

Should you buy a $4000 Skyline if you’ve never wrenched on a car before? No. But that’s just common sense.

There are plenty of people who want what Tiger’s offering and by providing an advertising outlet, we are giving them increased exposure to that demographic.

A friend of mine recently bought an EVO III from Tiger for a ridiculously low price and, other than shipping damage, the car is mint. He is extremely happy with it.

I’ve heard further anecdotes from people who have bought cars from Tiger for unbelievably low prices and are happy with them as well.

You obviously don’t get show quality cars from Tiger but you don’t pay show quality prices either.

You just have to go in with the right expectations.

As the buyer, you always need to exercise due diligence.

Don’t buy a car without driving it first. Don’t buy a motor without a leakdown.

This doesn’t apply only to tiger. It applies to any shop dealing in 15-20 year old USED cars and parts that the Japanese don’t want anymore.

I remember when tiger didnt charge as much as right drive.

dude, did you even compare each vendor’s price for their respective v spec? clearly you didn’t.

stop trying to stir the pot

Timmy brother, if we took to heart all the rumors and stories you wouldnt be allowed to sell here either :slight_smile:

I’ve even heard about you IN tiger… but hey, even though a lot of you guys like to hate on me and other admin we still give everyone a lot of rope… you gotta get to future_240 status before we really intervene with any level of permenance.

The slightly sketchy sellers just make Varun and I and our peers look better :slight_smile:

Buyer beware…

i just received the Tiger banners, they will be up tonight or tomorrow.

I’ve seen good cars come from Tiger. Let me put it this way: most SON members can’t afford RightDrive prices, so where do you think a lot of these RHD cars are coming from? It’s not my place to start dropping names, but several notable people here drive cars from Tiger. If you don’t know what to look for then you have no business buying these kind of cars/motorsets. Anyone that does their homework and has experience under their belt should be able to seperate the good from the bad… You can’t trust anyones word in a cut throat industry like this, so once again, if you aren’t prepared, then you have no business walking through those doors.

Tiger tends to buy <3.0 or R grade auction cars. You will probably never get a 4 from there, but if you want a 3, and do your homework, then Tiger can be pretty damn hard to beat for that. The good Tiger cars I have seen tend to just have exterior paint chips and scratches, maybe a dent. The way they ship cars is complete shit and they should clean up their act on that, but that also is probably why they’re so much cheaper as well. Anyway, the motorsets have been excellent on these cars, no reliability issues, relatively mint everything including interior in most cases. Just some exterior imperfections.

I’ve heard the horror stories and why they call Tiger the casino. I’d be full of shit if I said I haven’t seen good things come out of Tiger.

P.S I have seen engines stacked ontop of engines at other big name importers. I wouldn’t blindly trust any of the importers, they don’t have your best interests in mind, just your money. That’s why you got to be very anal and do your homework before the money exchanges hands, whether it is Tiger or anyone else. That’s also why I think Tiger tends to be an alright place with good deals for those that do take their time.

i don’t buy a motor without Varun checking it out first…lol… even if it isn’t from him.

He should charge a consulting fee for pre-purchase motor inspection.

I shop at Japan direct & Eagle Auto , And Even Tokyo autoparts.
I’ve been to Tiger Auto ONCE in my life.

Loved there selections, no one else in ontario has as much shit in stock as they do.
HATED there service
HATED there condition
HATED the I dont give a fuck attitudes.
I Never returned, so i dont know who you heard that from.

All that can easily change if there service has gotten more professional and warranty’s are offered.

But When JD offers a 30 day warranty for an extra $200 bucks, you can’t really justify not spending it.

and common binggy , you know I love you man, regardless of what anyone says,
You are helping the canadian community! which is what we need.
We both know there is a huge difference between rumors/stories, & the truth…Which is why im still here. & which is why you are still here.
Now get mazda shit