Copper Wire

I have 3 lengths of 2Ga. copper wire that are about 110ft. each. Also, I have 3 sections that are about 50ft. Does anybody have any idea what these may be worth? Is it better to sell them as complete wire or strip them and take them in for scrap?

its not going to be worth much… like 3 bux a pound according to a quick google search

Copper is worth a decent amount right now. I know this because 2 of my buildings got broken into and had all the copper piping stolen. I can ask my electrician when he comes in what that wire might be worth for you.

don’t bother to strip them, it is only a few cents more on scrap, and copper is trading right around it’s all time high as of today so now would be a great time to go to the junkyard. For reference, market price is nearing $4/lb.

Naw, it’s junk. Don’t bother.

Although I could use that for a project I’m working on. I’ll give you $20 for it.


Not really related but I had 2 PC monitors that were taking up space so I did the ole’ on the curb with a free sign treatment to them… low and behold after a few hours somone had come by and cut of the cord… :wtf:


Ill give you 1.50 a pound for it.Thats what the scrapyard will give for insulated copper.

Wow… I checked on that $1.50 number, and my scrap processor will give us $2, but ed arnold says for good condition copper at that size we are talking $1.30-$1.40

If it is not taking up too much space hold on to the wire untl the next boom in commodty prices. It is good as money in the bank. Rates go down copper goes up.


Copper is hovering around it’s all time high right now. Now is a great time to cash it in.

yeah.This is the highest its ever been.ID cash it in or sell it to me