copying dvd to laPtop???

i have several full length dvds on my labtop and everytime i try to download them it says to insert a blank disk and theres one in there already.

ur burner doesnt recongnize the disk make sure u are using the right kind u using dvd-r or dvd+r


ur burner doesnt recongnize the disk make sure u are using the right kind u using dvd-r or dvd+r


imation dvd-r | 16x
4.7GB, 2hr

Does your burner support 16x?

Also what program are you using?

ur burner might require DVD+R disks…yes thereis a difference…i can only use DVD+Rs


Does your burner support 16x?

Also what program are you using?


im using windows media player. what should i be using.





whats that, where do i download it? i was downloading the movies from limewire.

i downloaded the torrent from…but if ur already downloaded them anyburning program should work…and are u sure u have a DVD Burner

yea it says dvd and cd burner installed on the box and on the cd tray.

then u prolly need +R cds

so if those dont work then try the dvd program?

no then ur fucked…its not the program ur drive just doesnt recongnize the cd…

ok ill try i think i have some laying around somewhere. ill let you know.

but im also trying to get the dvd from the disk onto the computer. how do i do that?

still no luck with the different kind of disk. but the guys at radioshack said that if the file is an .avi it wont play on the dvd player unless the dvd player can read it.

but how do i take the dvd and like copy it to the laptop???

its almost painful to read LAB TOP

labtop… laptop…

lol i know i was tired at the time i wrote this and even though the B and P are like 5 keys away from each other



You can search torrents/newsgroups if you know what they are for it, or pay $50.
Or get a copy from a friend.

Insert DVD and your possibilities are endless on how to rip, with menus, without, compressed, uncompressed, remove bonus features, etc. all that jazz.

On the front of your DVD burner does it show the DVDRW logo?

Mostly all new burners display that logo whether its a laptop or desktop drive so if yours does not have it, chances are it’s not a dvd burner.

yes all 3 are on my burner. and ill try that site. thanks ill let u know the answer if i get it or not