Copying DVD's?

sir, i believe this is illegal. do you want 10 dollars to go buy a DVD? I’ll pay pal you the money.

it’s not illegal to backup your own collection of dvd’s

I’ve got one full 144 disk binder, and a second binder about 1/2 full… so will you paypal me $2160?

Blockbuster online + dvd burner FTW.

Technically it is illegal to circimvent copy protection.

i dont know of any new dvd that is $10 plus y spend 10 when u can spend lessthan $5 to rent it at blockbuster

technically, for any future court cases, since i have a blockbuster video membership it is “my collection” right? always has been always will!

Sorry but dont you mean Hollywood pass. Dont make it sound sweeter then it really is you know im the last one standing with the blockbuster!

:stuck_out_tongue: i was busting his balls.
