Coreys s2000 build

Well, the setup will end up sitting in1/2 inch from where it is, and I plan to lower it about1/2 and inch, there’s a guy I found running11.5 +67 on his S and he said the only modification he has to do was to beans back the “tab” where all the metal comes together on the shock tower, I have no problem doing that, my setup I plan will actually give me 5mm more inner clearance than he has, so I’m not worried, it’s all good work out


Yea he’s on stock body, sunk in, s2000 guy trying to be a track racer like every other s2000 stuff

+67 seems bonkers for poke

For poke? Other way around, I think you going the wrong way Benny

You mean -67?

yup, mis read that

and why is he calling me benny lol

You are Benny? are you not?

I too think this thing sucks.

Answer my fucking question Corey, where the fuck is the ipad?

LOL, I just saw the sig on my phone and connected the dots, my bad… and Ben (iPad is in my gym bag currently, if you think my car sucks go elsewhere.

yea BEN…go elsewhere

nope… you need to learn that your car blows

Yeah but…then…I mean, if I went somewhere else, you’d be less likely to see how much I think your car sucks…which is like, totally counter-productive to my goal of seeing you sell this as soon as it’s done.

Well that’s never gonna happen, I’m gonna go back to ignoring you, that was much easier

You can’t

Y so much S2K Hate?

The only reason I do it is because he got so butt hurt about it the first couple days he was posting. And he still does, apparently.

Oh ok

Best S2000 ever obviously…

and if you dont like it your intelligence is in question, for sure.