Corn Maze near The Track?

I got some plans to take the gf and some friends to the corn maze off of niagra falls blvd near the track. I’m just curious,as I’ve never been there, what it is all about. Is it something worth going to or is it kinda boring?

Any opinions will be appreciated.

puff puff pass :wink: and you’ll have a great time. :tup:

my guess is it probably sucks,

went last year with the gf and actually had a good time… suggestion WEAR BOOTS its gonna be a muddy mess

I went last year and it was actually pretty cool. Definitely wear boots as psphinx81 suggested because it can get muddy there. To add on to what j_espo1 suggested if you do puff puff pass it throws a whole new dimension to the maze and makes it a bit more confusing. Last year there were 4 mazes total I believe and some were more difficult than others. All in all I’d say do it!

Go when it is dry, or your girl will be pissed.

I actually met my future wife there.

FYI - I was the first employee ever there… been involved since it was just an idea on paper. I highly recommend it. Try to go when there aren’t going to be a lot of kiddies there… they really piss me off.

3 different trails. Some more difficult than others. If you do get through, it is simply luck… chances are you did a couple circles and didn’t even know it.
I also recommend the inflatables out front. From the top of sabretooth you get a good look at the maize, and sticky stampede is fricken fun as hell.

I’m all peeved that they don’t have the inflatable Titanic slide. I always liked to have morbid fun!

That slide is weak compared to STooth anyway :wink:

i went 2 years ago…it was REALLY muddy… the person i was with lost their shoe :wink: and i took off my clothes and drove home nakie they were so dirttty!

but good time.

haha awesome, def looks like I’ll be going then. Thanks for the input guys.

Ive work there for a bunch of years, its really muddy now, like 6" of mud, so expect to get ur boots and pants muddy.

:tup: see you there

my Fiance loved it too…jack and choda used to work at it…

yea i went 2 years ago i believe and it was cool. i think they should make it a haunted maze after dark though that would be cool

same here, cept this year cuz of the surgery. Its a GREAT time. but yeah it is SUPER muddy because well…its a corn field lol. but aside from getting muddy you will have an absolute blast!

possible tup in order.

what time do they open/close?

out in elma my neighbor has a huge one… took us 30-45 minutes to get through it last year

open every day. Sun-Thursday from 10am-9pm, Friday/saturday 10am-11pm. Under 3 is free, 3-11 is $5, ages 12+ is $7. You can go threw all the maizes as long as you want that day unless you are caught cutting threw the corn or other violations and get the boot. it is EXTREMELY muddy!!! You WILL get wet and muddy, but bring some hot chicks and its not a bad thing ;).

sweet deal, I’ll be there friday! :tup:

I just got back from working tonight. I have never seen it this muddy in the 6 years I’ve been there. We actually got calls in there to pull people out of the mud because they’re legs got stuck.