Cornell is a no go

Yup. I sent a beautifully written letter which was better written than any of the crap they have sent me. It stated that I formally withdraw from the university. That’s what the fantastic lady told me to do. Signed Corey P. Schaffer. That’s P for Paul, not Pavel.

Too much money.

Too snotty.

Too little time to do what I want.

And so it goes.

Aww I’m sorry Corey. But its a “ya gotta do, what ya gotta do” situation.

Where do you want to go now?

wow. shitty. sorry things didnt work out for u.

so UB it is instead?

thought you were gonna go for Cornell earlier… what changed you mind, man?

:tup: to getting a plan of action

I sat down and planned out two years at Cornell taking into account my new degree evaluation, which included my spring semester.

And then I noticed there was no viable way to do it in two years. There’s no way to do it in two years at UB, but it’s considerably cheaper to go another year there. And I don’t mind going another year if I am taking courses that I haven’t taken before. At Cornell I would be backing up to take courses I have already completed successfully.

And it would be a biological sciences with a concentration in biochem. It’s a crap degree designed for people who want to pick their noses.

seems to make sense. glad you found a path that meets your needs, corey. :tup: to seeing beyond the name of the school and not building up 14K in debt for you know… picking your nose

have a lot more $$ for that panther cologne you’re all about

You know in the next few weeks I’m going to convince myself this was an even better decision.

I love that theory.


smells like pure gasoline

i switched to UB last year as well cuz, although canisius was a great school…i found it dumb to be spending 25k MORE a year for school when it didnt make sense…

on the other hand, cornell is a much better name than canisius…but UB is also a great school

UB’s got that mad research, yo

holy shit, i took one grad school counseling class at canisius to graduate on time… let me see how much it was.

EDIT: $1,846.03


I’m sure it will all work out in the end for you :slight_smile:

Congratulations on being smarter than most Cornell undergrads! :tup: Getting the same degree for a lot less money shows wisdom. Cornell may be a good idea for you if/when you advance to a highly specialized graduate degree that could require the resources that they can offer, but for undergrad it’s just spending money on prestige.

Like I said before, we can hate UB together. And with the cash you’ll save, buy more cars, or go full with the detailing business.


my GF wants to go to cornell to be a vet tech

my GF wants to go to cornell to be a vet tech; u say the people are all snotty there?

i think a lot of us take UB for granted because its right in our backyard. it really is a very very good school, and there are a lot of times where i feel that i shouldnt be going there because of the level that classes are taught on. then i look around the room and see a handfull of NYC Brothas just chillin and falling a sleep…but serriously, for the people that actually take thier education serriously, its a great school.

There aren’t many choices for vet tech. in this area so Cornell is a good option.

i think so too :tup:

IB4someone’s all like ohhhhh it sucks horribly

which it might for majors i’m not familiar with…

I think it is pretty safe to say that Cornell has a better name than any other schools mentioned in this thread.
Ivy League FTW.