Cornell is a no go

Like i said in that other thread, going to Cornell helped most of my friends who went there make big money, but they are all in finance. They need not go to grad school to make good money. None of my friends who went there regret it for a second.

What about whores? If I have a change of heart and want to become a raging SLUTBAG what are the prospects?

That’s essentially what the lady told me on the phone.

That 15 credits at Cornell is going to make me beg for mercy and I can’t compare it to a lot of other schools.


That’s why people pay their graduates more. shrug.

When you graduated and started working in the real world, where you graduated from do not really mean much to the company. Having that job experience means a lot. Do you research on your free time with professor on your free time and you can put that on your resume.

I don’t want to work for a company.

I want to work at a university, or a few along the way. And maybe myself.

And a name means a lot at that level, because the fancy schools have the most money. I had a friend that was applying to UCSB and they were like, “oh, you need money?” Of course she needed money, you dumb asses. They didn’t have money to pay her and she was picked up by Princeton. I don’t know why I would get a PhD from some university in the boonies in my field. It costs a ton of money to conduct research and pay dedicated and intelligent people to conduct that research.

And yes, I already have some ideas on research I would like to conduct. :wink: I was the type of person that sat in organic chemistry and said “I wonder…” A few topics have been researched somewhat, some not at all (probably because one in particular would be VERY difficult).

If I have time, and two years doesn’t give me much time, I will try for a degree with honors in research. And I will actually get my own account to conduct some little (probably not all that substantial) research project. Can you tell the lady on the phone today was running a hard bargain?

Decisions are never clear cut. :frowning:

^I’m kind of confused. What are your goals? What career are you pursuing? College Professor? Most professors I’ve met got an undergrad degree from some local low-cost college, then went on to more and more famous schools for higher level degrees.

Where do these professors work?