Cossey 0 Sti 1

The thing is is its just SPINNING bad in 1st. Still cutting a decent 60’ according to the program, but if he could drop .3 or so off the 60, hed be golden.

How come you are NEVER on AIM?! I saw you on like once, ha.

Im not one of the secretive queers lol. Hook a brother up with some knowledge

mine wont although havent seen what its got yet fully

:lol h/o im getting on.

I just usually dont like talking to 50 people at once

Ha, I know you are not, but I’m going to be childish and play that card for awhile. Honestly, I need to make sure it runs what I think it will before I talk too much smack.

So is it your car, or a buddies? Gotta at least tell me that much lol

And plus, my car is pretty fuckin slow!

bald, hard snowies dont help. if he can get the 1.7s he was getting last year things will be good

Throw in the fact that it’s a FORD and you got maj0r 0wnage. :lol

Yeah, my shit sucks pretty hard!

I dunno anything about that. :lol



Turth ^^ …wat?

your shit really is packed ,fuckin homo

zomgggzz car secretzz

You should know…you did it!

Adam is in no way shape or form a flaming homosexual

ummmmmm, when did i do this
