Cossey: Ban?

Major +1. Vlad thanks for posting this.

As for those who want to come in and say “but I was not offended so…” that’s all well and good but everyone is DIFFERENT and it is these differences we should be mature enough to understand and respect.

Are we so self-centered that if a word is acceptable to “me” then it is fine to use anywhere, anytime?

99FRC, I’m calling you out - post up a picture of you hanging with some black guys, looking like you are chums. I don’t want a photo of you and the token black guy at your workplace / town forcing a smile 'cause he’s surrounded by white folks… Go on and show us all a photo that makes it clear how tight ya’ll are with the brothers…

It won’t change my opinion that your comment should not be on a public forum, but it would be entertaining for me. So humor an old man.