Cossey: Ban?

:rofl dont u dare

If a few slurs, jokes about ‘them’, etc scare people away then maybe we dont need those kind of uptight people around anyway.

The core group of us is the same group that goes to the lot, hangs out, goes to LG, etc together and we can all take a joke for the most part (except when it goes a little far but thats not the issue here) and make jokes about things.

Better check that again, the no discrimination/racial slurs was one of our rules from the start.

i agree, but i kno where vlad is coming from and the kind of people he is talking about, would be nice to have them around the forum instead of a bunch of numbnuts

:lol dude

well i missed the start and always used racial slurs ,so i will admit im wrong .and try harder next time aight ma brotha :thumbup

chances are whoever those people are are too busy being their uptight selves to come here regardless of what was being discussed.

How about the fact that I do not want to sit here and read through the racial slurs and discriminatory posts? Call me uptight if you wish, but trust me on this one, if you like this place, you want me to keep coming back.


Im with you… but seriously, where have you been for the past year? Have you not seen the racial slurs or the use of ni99er or other ways to use the word.

Seen some, caught some, missed some.

LOL at caring if you get banned. GET A LIFE. (not to you adam… just in general)

Shit i got banned for being excited for my 20th birthday… :rofl

I mean shit man… back when I first joined I was a hard charger against all that shit but I just gave up because I was sick of wasting my time. The amount of ignorance I observe sometimes is incredible.

Come on guys, Vlad is just trying to do the best he can with this site…

While it’s nice that the group has become more tight knit, the last thing anyone wants is to make it clique-ish and then exclude others from joining the community.

The idea is to grow the scene locally, not turn people away with all of the inside jokes / slang on the site that outsiders do not understand or may be offended by.

People post on this site, and of course it’s the internet, not to be taken seriously, yadda yadda but the posts and members are what define and represent the website to non-members, whether you like it or not.

Someone who hears something offensive from a person they don’t even know is not being uptight- they are just reacting to the lack of respect from a stranger…

Come on, if some random dude out on the street came up and called one of us any of the names here, he/she would be ignored… Or it could even escalate into a fight…

Either way, it just leads to negativity…

well Im just saying its not like we have a thing here that says no black people can join. Thats it.

Found it :lol

:lol ! case closed for u jeff

damn, i need u to follow me around everywhere i go, to translate all the shit i say into shit i actually mean to say, cuz thats some shit i wanted to say but couldnt figure it out :lol so ya + 1

Vlad…Do what you deem necessary, you have asked politely and to those who just dont listen…you arent being a jerk about it. Respecting simple rules is simple, so banabitch

Well that about sums up every point I tried to make and more.

Read that, understand it, PJB read it twice.

Stop racial slurs and discriminatory comments or you will be warned and banned, because like it or not there is nothing beneficial in them.

I have not read this whole thread but is hilarious watching people talk about constitutional law when they have no idea what they’re saying. Good Day.

Don’t give everyone credit for that move, I think it was just the OP and a couple of other guys…

I skipped over all of that (since I couldn’t understand it) :lol

Still in for OP’s pics with his crew… haha

Well here is the conundrum that I am dealing with.

If black guys call them selves (N), it is ok. But if a white guy says that to a black person, they are considered racist.

Would it not be fair to say that when a black person who is ok with other black people calling him (N), gets mad at a white person for saying it, is in fact also being racist by judging someone based on the color of their skin? Sure seems like it to me.

And once again, to those who continue to bash my original argument. You are right. I got mad, and when that happens I say shit that makes no sense. It has happened with other members on this forum. In this whole process I learned something new and have moved on. Will not let it happen again. Better than me not accepting I was wrong and still arguing like an idiot correct?