Cossey: Ban?

Racism goes both ways, it’s just too bad the media and our buddy Al has portrayed racism as just an attack on blacks. IMO blacks are more racist then whites nowadays.

ya good looks on that, im poud of ya :lol

but srsly glad u straightened it out

Well you shouldn’t base your opnions without knowing all the facts and the entire story.

Jumping to conclusions like that is one of the biggest problems in the country and is seen in commercials, political campaigns, retail and nearly every aspect of daily life.

For those of you still having trouble accepting the rules, keep in mind we are trying to run a business here, and while it’s free for the members it’s not free for us.

The way it stays free is that sponsors support it, however no sponsor wants to be associated with a site that discriminates against any group because one, negative associations never help a business, and two, they try to attract every customer, without cutting out a specific ethnic or racial group.

Sponsors like a clean place that welcomes everybody, so new members are very likely to join to find out about a business. If a guest sees the site as racist and sees that a certain business is supporting it, it will come back to hunt the business, especially if the guest is offended. How likely is somebody to spend money by a business that supports offensive material to the race? I don’t see PJB investing $$$ in BET.

Guys trying to support this sort of offensive language are arguing a moot point. Sure you guys can pick on each other, but to an extent that it doesn’t offend others.

FYI I am on hold right now for someone and they are playing fucking spanish music in the background. I cnt understand a god damn thing they are singing, we are in america speak fucking english.

I am offended, I want to ban these people. Not to mention I am on song #2 right now… and I am on hold to fucking help them not ask for their assistance.

hanging up in 3, 2 …

Everyone always says, if black people can use the N word, why can’t I? The reason that alot of black people frequently use it is because it was a way to take an offensive word away from their oppressor. This may sound like complete garbage to you but I was told this by my sister who graduated from NYU with a masters in sociology.

Think about when you see two girls calling each other bitches on the street, would you go up to one of them and be like ohhhh your such a bitch.


Hate words only hurt if you take offense to them. If you take them lightly and make a joke out of them, the hate words lose their power.

I dont really see a need to use the slurs. If vlad doesnt want them on the forum then tough shit. I would suggest signing up for some sort of white power forum where you can have free reign to use any slur you woud like.


OK ANYWAYS this is being dragged on further than it needs to be

the topic should of ended with archies last post explaining exactly why what happened…happened…and if you are still dumbfounded after that you really suck

That’s enough, to continue with BS go here.

If you want cliff notes