Cost to get car painted/best place to go tog et it done?

there is more than likely more than what you just mentioned, once you start stripping, you find 30% more than what is visable… i know with my last s14 the car was basically mint on the outside just dings, but no visable rust… turned out the rear 1/4 had a bit under the back and the bottom near the fender was about to rot…

and the re-spray same color theory that its cheaper, changing the car color or keeping it… should never be cheaper… if you ask any body shop, get them to explain why it is cheaper… if they say it is… a real body shop will tell you… why would it be cheaper ? the amount of time spent preping a car that is black, blue, red, pink, doesnt make a different if they are doing proper body work… thats outside only, inside if you leave your rad support, inside trunk, under hood, etc… a good body shop will ALWAYS paint door jams.

For example i asked phenoix if i could spend maybe 1500 to 2000 on a “Re-spray” i said just fix like some of the dents if they are bad… clean up the rust, but just give it a once over you know dont take anything off, just freshin it up… he flat out said they wont do it, HIS reason was lets say im at the track and one of you guys askes where i got my work done and you notice its a junk paint job? he doesnt want that reputation… which is good, good quality work is hard to find these days… im just think if your going to paint your car do it right and do it once… ive seen too many guys end up wanting paint 2, 3 years down the road…