Cot damn it. How to fix scratch?

Cliffs: Long scratch on my brand new car, not very deep though. What do I do?

My truck’s brand new, and dark blue. I went to wegmans last night, grabbed some groceries, threw them in the truck, hopped in, and pulled away.



Yep, some bright and shining example of society had left a cart right next to my truck. It was dark and in the shadow, and on the passenger side, so I never saw it until I heard it.

Now I’ve got a very fine scratch the length of my baby. I think it goes through the clearcoat but I’m not sure if it even reaches the paint. If I rub/scratch the white powder out of the scratch with my fingernail it becomes much less noticeable.

So light rubbing with polishing compound followed by a couple coats of wax? Skip the polish and just try a good wash first? Sue Wegmans? Go cry into the bottom of a pint glass?

Get someone good with a porter cable to go over it for you.

u cant sue wegmans for anything. probably should of looked b4 u drove off :), but yeah a polish should be nice


u cant sue wegmans for anything. probably should of looked b4 u drove off :), but yeah a polish should be nice


Thanks captain hindsight!

lol but yeah unless someone has a better suggestion I’ll probably try a wash and wax, if it’s still really noticeable I’ll try lightly rag/polish, then wax. If that doesn’t work I’ll start offering beer for porter cable services per brent’s advice.

ok, does ur fingernail go into the scratch? if it doesnt ull be fine, dont use polishing compound, use a polish… u can do it by hand, if u are go in vertical and horizontal motions. going in circles is just going to cause swirls. dont be afraid to use some force against the pant either, it’ll be fine. if it comes out hooray, throw some wax on it and youre done.


Sounds about right. Washing should let someone who knows their shit evaluate it well. If it’s as light as it sounds, it should pretty much disappear. I think Locust and a few other people on here do “real” detailing and can handle using a light abrasive compound without hurting anything…


Thanks captain hindsight!

lol but yeah unless someone has a better suggestion I’ll probably try a wash and wax, if it’s still really noticeable I’ll try lightly rag/polish, then wax. If that doesn’t work I’ll start offering beer for porter cable services per brent’s advice.





Sounds about right. Washing should let someone who knows their shit evaluate it well. If it’s as light as it sounds, it should pretty much disappear. I think Locust and a few other people on here do “real” detailing and can handle using a light abrasive compound without hurting anything…



Fingernail juuuust barely catches a little. When you say “don’t use a polishing compound, use a polish” whatchu mean? I don’t know the difference.









Whatchu doin tomorrow night? I’ll buy you a beer for taking a look/telling me how to fix it. :tup:

polishing compound is something u dont want to use on it. i have work and school till the weekend though… coudlnt tell u if its fully gonna go away though untill i hit it, if not i can try a few other things. is it the full length of the truck?

orange pad, little ssr 3, 83 or menerza IP and you should be good.

on the plus side nissan clear coat is pretty soft so it should be easily repairable.

I did just pic up some unit grit 2500 if the Porter cable doesn’t work.

Pm me if you need a hand

^ he knows what hes doing as well, if he can get to it quicker let him do it :smiley:

I’ve got class tonight, so tomorrow night I’ll wash it and see what I’m really dealing with. It’s not a continuous scratch, but yeah there are lengths of it from the front to the back. I took a look again when I left work and most of it is really shallow so I have no doubt that the bulk of it will go away pretty easily.

Thanks for the offers guys. I’ll let you know if/when I need a hand. :tup:


Yep, some bright and shining example of society had left a cart right next to my truck.


Learn to look before you drive.


Learn to look before you drive.



Thanks captain hindsight!



sorry to hear…once you get the scratch out we can all celebrate at Brew Pub lol

I’d talk to Stealtth. I’ve seen his work and he’s the one I’d trust with my car. Nothing against the other guys I just haven’t seen their work in person.

There’s one spot where the fender juts out that’s definitely going to leave a mark. The rest is so light that I’m pretty sure some polish (not compound, thanks sphinx) and some elbow grease will take it right out.

Besides, it’s a DD. Scratches and shit are inevitable. :gotme: