need someone to buff scratch for $$$

Hey guys… So some a$$ hole keyed my car pretty good this weekend. And I’m hoping there is someone in the buffalo area with a buffer that can help me out. I have some cash on hand for anyone interested. Its a newer car… With the key job on the driver side door. Thanks guys, hope someone can help

well ill ask so others can try and give u deep is it? does it hit metal?

if your fingernail catches on it, you wont be able to buff it out. im guessing its deep. youll have to either get it repainted or put a few layers of paint on with one of those pens from duplicolor then clear and buff

It is pretty deep unfortunately. I can definately catch my finger nail on it. I bought the pen you are talking about and after about 5 minutes of trying to make it look better, I decided that thing is prety much useless

usually you can build it back up to be level with the existing paint then blend it by buffing

it will usualyl never look the same especially if its a light metallic color


it takes multiple applications. put a layer on, let it dry for a couple hours, reapply. repeat til its flush. then spray clear on it, wait atleast 24-36 hours before you buff it.

edit: search here and they have a good write up with before and after pics.

I am assuming you have a 93 Fox…? If this is your “Fun Car” and want to actually fix it instead of patch it:

Depending on how many panels got hit with the key to see if it is worth it…You could claim it through your insurance as vandalism. You will need to get a Police report before you file the claim. You should be covered less your deductible.

500 off of a 1800 paint job may be worth it. 500 off of a 900 paint job is obviously not.

Just a suggestion. Now all the “Insurace Guru’s” can tear this idea a new one…

Good luck.

Someone with a Scion tC on here posted a really nice DIY on repairing a scratch. I’ll see if I can find it.

Found it:

^That is a good write up. Eventually the clear could flake off but it will do the job for now.

I actually got rid of the 93 a while back… I have an 04 mustang, but this key job actually took place on my pontiac g6… I don’t think I’m gonna go through insurance, but thanks for the idea

Thanks man!