The scratches aren’t deep, and not wide either, except for this scuff.
If its a real pain in the ass, I don’t want to bother anyone. I’ll just take it to Schmitt’s or something. If it’s easy enough, let me know what I owe you.
ugh thats gay, my car’s have stayed in such better shape after graduating from UB
edit: on a more useful note, you probably could, you’d be surprised how much can be easily repaired… is it their paint on your car or is your paint missing? If it’s just their paint on your car it will come out no problem
The scratches look to be paint missing I suppose, the scuff might be on top of the blue. I’ve never done any sort of body work and I dont have anything to do it with, but if it’s that easy maybe I can tackle it with some guidance.
I’ll link Stealtth up to this thread, since he lives .5 miles from me. Maybe he can take a look at it this weekend or next.
the one on the sheet metal might or might not, cant tell in a pic
if they dont buff perfect, might be possible to touch them up w/ clear, cut, then buff. sometime a scratch thats only in the clear wont buf out all the way, other times youll go thru to base by attempting to buff it out
I’m not set up for anything yet, but you do live close. It would take me prob no more then 10 min to get out if it comes out…and if I can find the buffer in my garage * just moved and I dont know where anything is*. Like I told a few other people, time is tight right now, but i’ll try to find sometime this weekend to look at it for a few…I understand what an eyesore that is and it pisses me off that someone did that.
that scuff might wipe off with goo gone, i had a big fat white scuff like that on the wifes car and i was messin with goo gone and it wiped right off, the stuff is nontoxic and works fine on paint. just an FYI.