Detailing Help

Not sure if this is the right forum (as I’m new to nyspeed) but I need someone who details or have a buffer.

I nicked my parents Tahoe’s mirror and put a red scuff on it (Black SUV) and I’m about to return it back to them sometime this week and it needs to be gone (preferably tomorrow).

So if you can help out I’d appreciate it because all my detailing stuff is back home since I just moved up here about 3 weeks ago.


For a quick and inexpensive attempt…soak a rag with some paint thinner and wipe it off, then apply some wax. You may be able to get it out…depends how ‘bad’ of a scuff it is.

:word: If you transferred paint TO the car, then just rub that shit off. Paint thinner, maybe a very fine polish, but be careful not to rub off too much. Then a couple of coats of wax and it’s good as new.

yeah paint transfered but i have not one drop of car detailing tools up here. not even a bucket for water lol… anybody wanna help tomorrow. i need this done b4 monday and really would appreciate some help

Okay. I’ll help. I have tomorrow free. :slight_smile: I live in North Tonawanda and I can just polish it off. Some douche slid their bumper against my car the other day and transfered paint, so I have to polish my car a bit anyway. Let me know what time is good and you can just stop by.

PM me with an address or phone #. I get out of work at 4pm, so I’ll give you a call and stop up then.

Appreciate it