Requesting minor body work

Yesterday, after getting gas at BJ’s, I was driving on Colvin towards the Red Apple when a pick-up truck to the right of me ran over some road debris that then flew at my car and created some minor damage.

I am wondering if anybody on NYSpeed is looking to make some extra money by fixing this for me. Anyone?


Is that scratched or scuffed? Without sounding mean, it literally may be the case where “it’ll buff out”.

Yea, I know its not the best picture but it is actually scratched as indentations through out that mark area. I will need sanding, paint, and clear coat.

I would get some touch up paint at the dealer.

Apply touch up paint, wet sand with 2000, polish, buff, then wax.

This does not require a re-spray.

Side note: Was expecting all kinds of “Does the car need a facelift…?” comments.

if you’d like to get it painted give me a pm, i’ve hooked up a bunch of guys on here

Sent PM