Car got keyed...

Went down to the parking garage and noticed someone had keyed my hood. It’s circular in shape and is around 20 inches long. They scratched right though the clear coat and down to the primer.

It’s a 1998 240sx deep fuschia. I want to get it fixed right away but am cautious because it might happen again. Anyone know of any top notch body shops that they can recommend? Money is no object. I’ve heard of a few - MS auto, 427 collison, etc. Anyone have other shops that they’ve had positive experiences with? I’ve done a search and came up with a few shops but want to keep my options open.


WHy dont you request the security tapes? Or was it a low end parking garage?

It happened sometime between late Friday night and Saturday morning/afternoon. The Saturday before, I noticed a lighter scratch on my hood, not as deep but noticable.

I am going to talk to the super to see if there’re any security tapes of the garage. It’s not a low end garage, but it doesn’t exactly have the highest security. I’ve noticed a couple other cars with the same scratches on their hoods as mine, though not as deep. I’m afraid it’ll happen again and want desparately to catch these punks. I feel like sleeping in my car just so I can catch them.

Sorry if I’m no help in here but I just wanna say that sucks… I myself have had my car keyed in my school parking lot before… from the front fender all the way back to the rear quarter panel. :frowning:

Pics or ban. If that colour is what I think it is, it’s the hottest colour the car was ever made in. You have every right to kill the son of a bitch if you catch him.

If your looking for a quick fix and would just like the hood repaired, take some pics of it and i may be able to help you out with that one. My cousin owns a body shop and i’ve worked there for a couple years so i have enough knowledge to pretty much redo an entire vehicle…and something as simple as that would be pretty easy.

Best thing to do is, get it properly fixed (which i could do) than send it off the the painters. This way you’ll not only save some money but you’ll get the proper color oriented back with your scheme.

And Solarian…what happend to the sig dude???

^ Perfect post count. Never post again.

Sorry to hear about your car K-man, it seams there are more and more incidents like that these days.

i do a co-op at jack-mcgees body shop in p dot decent price bset painter around he can paint candies pearls etc. decent prices to probably 150-200 for you entire hood tobe done

pics ftw

Here are some pictures:

^^ Oh man, thats so simple to fix.
If you want, i could prep that for you…this way you’d only be paying to get the car painted, rather than having to hassel with the labour of prep at the shop.

Aah! That is the uber-hot colour!
And you need to re-size my sig, I already told you the admins gave me shit for it being too tall :stuck_out_tongue:

you sure you ain’t piss off your girlfriend or ex ??? maybe??? good luck with the repair,

To me, that’s an automatic punch in the teeth.

Hope you catch the a-hole

Man, my car has been through so much since I bought it in 2005. First month I had it, a taxi hit my front right fender. Then an SUV backed into me, bending my hood and causing over $3,000 in damages. Last year, some a**hole smashed my back window and passenger side window. Now this.

What is it about my car? Is it the colour? It’s getting to the point where a guy can’t even drive a decent car anymore without it getting hit/vadalized, etc. How much do you guys think it’ll cost to fix this? I take care of my cars and don’t want any half assed jobs.

By the way, it’s an apartment building with underground parking. There are no security cameras. Any ideas on how to catch this person short of sleeping in my car?

10000volts, simple , all u need is a relay an alarm system with aux output, and a transformer from a underglow kit , jsut dont hook up one of the wires to the body of the car that come from the transformer is how i have “heard” u do it

p.s. if someone does get hurt u can be in a lot of trouble

damn there seems to be alot of this going around… i got mine keyed at yorkdale underground parking just this weekend… ground level! luckily it was a rental… but damn some people just dont fucken appreciate anything anymore! damn haters!!!

Martino, how much would you charge to prep the car? How long would it take? Do you have any pics of previous cars your shop has done?

tbh, just read up and prep it yourself, its always a good learning experience(if you want that sorta thing) but if not, take it to somewhere reputable and have them prep it for you. The prep will determine whether or no the outcome will be good, so dont skip out on that.

hope you catch the person that did that to your car. it’s such an amazing colour!