Car got keyed, suggestions for repair?

So both of my sisters cars got keyed earlier this week. People are just absolute trash, this pisses me off so much. They also keyed a couple of my neighbor’s cars. This happened in Amherst off Tonawanda Creek close to NFB for anyone in that area. I attached one shot to show the damage. Anyone have suggestions on where to go to get this fixed? I think one of my sisters has insurance that she’ll just pay the deductible on, but the other one doesn’t. Trying to find the best repair job for the money, and hoping to maybe make a package deal since it’s two cars. Thanks in advance!


I cant really help you much but when I was a child my grandmother lived right in that area…then it got dark…and really scary. That area quickly went to shit for sure. Best of luck to you.

Thanks, I absolutely loved growing up there but I have seen the decline over the years as well. Also, for what it’s worth the cars in mention are a 2001 Honda Civic and 2000 Toyota Solara.

Probably the looney acres crew. Thank you Susan Grelick and her town board for allowing those housing projects to get built over there all those years ago in the name of “expanding the town”.

Never say never but, multiple family dwellings never improve communities.

People rent for any number of reasons, none of which include a focus on keeping property value up. The property is not theirs, they aren’t building equity for themselves and don’t really care the way an owner will.
That said how the fuck do kids get off keying cars? I did alot of dumb shit as a kid but never anything like these little fucktards are doing these days. 8/

I don’t need this to turn into a discussion on the community, just looking for suggestions as to where to go to get these scratches fixed as best as possible.

can you get a better close up? does it go through to the bare metal?