Someone keyed my car.


I just noticed it today. It’s a pretty deep scratch that goes the whole length of my driver side front fender. I can’t get any pictures though, because it’s been raining all day. I’m pretty mad. But here’s my question.

How bad would it look if I were to use a touch-up pen and clear coat over it? I found some online and it seems like a pretty easy job. Just “draw” over the scratch. Is there more too this than that? Is it too good to be true?

Or, has anyone used that wax/polish crap that’s supposed to remove scratches? How well does that work? I don’t understand how that would do anything, but this scratch is going to bug the hell out of me.

about time!

what color is the car?

If you can feel the scratch with your nail it needs to be filled in…

If you fill in the scratch with pen, then clearcoat then wetsand it smooth it will be 99.99% better

you ccan use this, i had good results

i think those are the paint, and then like a gel to fill it in

it should like fine, i doubt anyone could tell unless you told them

fuck off.

i could help you!

Keys usually scratch pretty deep. Through the clear and enamel to the metal. Touch up paint usually doesn’t work very well and makes it look worse, especially on darker colors like blue.

I think your best bet is to have it fixed right the first time.

x1. :tup: to that!

You can get reasonably good results with wetsanding and buffing.

How’s this?

i feel your pain. at least you didnt have a canvas top slashed too :frowning:

As long as there are no GTO hood scoops in the way? :roflpicard:

Not nice!

You wont if its into the metal.

exactly, you can’t wetsand and buff what does not exist.

I’ve never seen those pens work well in person, but I’ve read on the internet that it can be done.

The edge of the pad caught. I offered to fix it. :confused: Not like I didn’t feel bad about it.

well…okay…I meant in addition to touch up…

I can fix it, for a small fee.