Coupe Members

Benson, they are Konig Rewinds. They are 15*7 0 offset.

ya that is what this guy found, should he get them, I was thinkgin that it is limiting his tire size oprions and he will have tp upll the fenders bigtime

They are pretty hot wheels but they have shitty brake clearance and like you said, they are only 15 inch and you can’t have really wide tires without massive flex. The tires will be cheap though and I don’t see why you would need something like 275/40/17R on a 240 with a stock KA or even stock SR lol. Your friend will only have to play with the fenders and camber if his car if its slammed. If it only has a small drop or stock suspension, it should be fine. Here are some pics of the wheels with a small drop I found on