Couple Detail questions (claybar & tree sap)

After parking under a tree while camping last weekend I noticed an abundance of tree sap on the wife’s fusion and I am looking for the best course of action for removing this crap. I did a quick search on here and found THIS THREAD as well as a google search and it seems like the consensus is either using a clay bar or alcohol to remove it. There’s a decent amount of it and I already own a clay bar that I’ve never used so I figure I’m going to give that a shot. Any tips/tricks I should know before I tackle this? It also seems like I should follow this up with a coat of wax, any suggestions on brands and spray vs paste or a liquid?

I’ve always used alcohol SOAKED on a small rag for tree sap removal. This isn’t a case of using elbow grease, it’s more about allowing the alcohol to slowly dissolve the sap away.

It might not remove massive amounts of tree sap…

If you use clay make sure you use lots of lube

Yea, I usually wash the car to get rid of any dirt/rocks then use glass cleaner as lube when clay-barring

Ragged soaked in alcohol will remove any realistic globs of sap, you just have to have the patience for the alcohol to do it’s thing.

Use a 1:1 solution of isopropyl alcohol and distiller water or stoners terminator which can be picked up at most automotive stores. Multiple applications may be required depending on how long the sap has sat. Do not use Laquor thinner if goof off as this can harm the clear coat. As far as clay bar goes you can buy a kit under $15 dollars which will include the detail spray and clay bar. Simply spray the detailer and follow with the clay bar. Always make sure to have adequate lubrication and remember to kneed the clay when it gets dirty to reveal a fresh part of the clay. As far as wax goes it depends on what your looking for but for a novice user I would just recommend a paste wax such as meguiars for easy removal and application. Any part you apply alcohol will remove the wax so it’s important to wax those parts after. Any more questions just pm me .

Some tree sap is easier to remove than others. I parked under a tree in Milwaukee and the sap washed off easily. Maybe it was a magical tree.

I would stick with Mothers clay bar. The Meguiars clay bar they sell in stores is very mild. Also, the Mothers spray detailer smells better.

I like 3M Performance Finish for an off-the-shelf wax. Call around to a few NAPA stores to see if they have it in stock. Collinite Insulator wax is great as well (I’ve found it at some Advanced Auto Parts). I’ve also heard good experiences with Armor All Extreme Shield (

I’m not sure how a claybar would work but I have used alcohol and it does get the job done even though sometimes it takes a while, especially if the sap has been sitting for a while.

rain-x takes off tree sap VERY quickly!

Tree sap from my knowledge was best removed and usually only removed with alcohol. Dab the spot and do so till its removed… don’t push your luck or you eat through the clear/paint. make sure to wash the car after and then put a coat of wax right over to put some protection back in the paint.

you can use alcohol, gas, sandpaper, maybe grind the area with a rock you find in your driveway, but personally I’d start with a bug and tar remover and if that doesn’t do it use a clay bar.

be nice to your paint and don’t start with the most drastic / harsh chemical.

Any advise on bird crap residual? I washed it twice and can still faintly see where it was. I had recently waxed it, but I think it had been on there for almost two days. I was going to start with a wax cleaner and then get more agressive, but I am open to suggestions.

clay should do that just fine, if not then you’re on the right track. the key with sap and crap is to get it off ASAP before it hardens and etches in.

Guys, tree sap is water soluble. IPA (Isopropyl Alochol) works because it has typically 15-30% water but it will take much longer. The solvent will remove any wax as wax is not solvent resistant.

Just use hot water. Take it from your sink.

Yeah. I had parked it for 2 days while on vacation and was not thrilled when I got home.

Usually saliva will do it, give it a little lick and report back. See how that works out. :wink:

Clay bar took care of 90% of it, got the rest of with some weak isopropyl and after a wax it looks good as new.