Couple quick questions if you have a sec, id appreciate it

For a potential job that im looking into, i need to get a general census for some questions… if you have 2 minutes, id appreciate some feed back. short answers are fine

How long have you lived in the area?
What brought you here?
Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
Favorite thing about the area?
If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?


How long have you lived in the area?

  • My entire life, 34 years

What brought you here?

  • This is where my family has lived forever

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?

  • I support a lot of the local shops and restaurants in North Buffalo. I also deal with a lot of the local chains to look for deals. But I shop at a lot of the little mom and pop related businesses

Favorite thing about the area?

  • The people. Diverse group of people that are generally nice and good hearted. Food is good too. Cheap living compared to across the country. Good car scene, something always going on.

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?

  • Kick local and state level government in the nuts real hard. Taxes, non-support of business and economy is driving people away. Hopefully we have a nice surge in our local economy to boost our ratings nationwide.

exactly they type of thing that im looking for… thank you… others please?

How long have you lived in the area?

  • My whole life: Clarence first, then Eden, Tonawanda, now Olean

What brought you here?

  • Mom and Dad got drunk one day…

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?

  • Any service or purchase I make i try to do locally (especially at the dealership), then i go on the internet if i can’t find what i need

Favorite thing about the area?

  • i love the weather changes and especially fall. I can find almost anything in each season that i like

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?

  • i would pull our politicians heads out of their asses and make them realize they are driving this state right into the ground by passing more stupid tax laws instead of spending the money better
  1. Since 1995. Buff State Dorms, Apartment in N. Buffalo, rented house in City of Tonawanda, bought house in Williamsville.
  2. When to Buffalo State. Found a good job and a wife so I stayed.
  3. Hectors Hardware, Besta Pizza. I’m assuming “local” means no big chains?
  4. Friendly people. Car friendly area. The local waterways. Big enough that there are jobs, small enough that I can afford a sweet house in a great school district.
  5. Get NYS and county government under control. Kick out the vast majority of state and county unions. Abolish any state/county organization with the word “authority” in it (power authority, water authority, thruway authority etc). Do all that so we can lower our taxes so were not the highest taxed state in the nation.

i didnt mean local business by small… most responses i get lately have been wegmans and or tops… i just meant local by meaning in the area

  1. 20 years and 11 months
  2. family lived/lives here
  3. I try to deal mostly with small businesses because I have worked for several and know that the people there actually give a damn and are (for the most part) more interested in helping customers rather than making money. I’ve also found that small businesses are more willing to go the extra mile to help people out.
  4. its diverse in just about every way possible. you could potentially live out in the sticks in the middle of nowhere in Akron, yet drive a half hour and be in a big city (for work or fun). you have just about all walks of life, and for the most part the people are friendly. you also get just about every weather condition possible, it’ll be 90 degrees outside, and 2 months later there will be a foot of snow on the ground. all that said, its definitely a diverse area. Other than that, I think the overall area and economy is fairly good, and if you’re smart with your money and take advantage of the low housing costs and are in a job field that is fairly stable in the area, its a good place to make a living. despite people constantly saying that the area is going down the shitter economy wise, i dont understand how all of these large and expensive homes are continually popping up in the suburbs if theres no money here and everyone is moving away :gotme:
  5. id have to agree with camarojoe and jays. god bless WNY, i love the area and want to stay here, but when comparing the tax rates and such to those of other parts of the country, it makes me cringe sometimes. Id also like to see more summer and less cold and snow, but thats something that no one can really change lol.
  1. Wegmans, Lowes, Home Depot, Target, Applebees.

night crew bump?

Ill rep the night crew for ya

How long have you lived in the area?
21 years 7 months

What brought you here?
Born here

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
I support chain clothing stores and grocery stores. When it comes to food I prefer locally owned over chain places.

Favorite thing about the area?
The food, cost of living, diverse entertainment in reasonably close proximity.

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
The corrupt government, the lack of development (especially waterfront), and lack of jobs and competition for newly graduated students.

What if the list of things that need to be changed is really long (truthfully it is) and It basicly proves you dont wanna live here.

Q: How long have you lived in the area?
A: 30 Years (Entire Life)

Q: What brought you here?
A: Birth. See above.

Q: Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
A: Tons. Who doesn’t. Mostly for small purchases, odds & ends etc. Big ticket shopping typically goes to the internet, for better deals and tax purposes.

Q: Favorite thing about the area?
A: The seasons & the people.

Q: If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
A: Taxes of course. No real need to elaborate.

  1. 33 years
  2. parents,grandparents,etc. lived in the area.
  3. I always try and patronize the smaller businesses even if it costs a tad more.They are what made america what it is/once was.
    4)Never lived anywhere else,so only really know this area.Like the weather and the cost of living in this area is far better then most.
    5)gov’t would actually make people work instead of sitting at home collecting welfare/ food stamps when there is absolutely nothing wrong with them.


Q: How long have you lived in the area?
A: My whole life 21 years and 8 months, from Buffalo, to Cheektowaga, now in Tonawanda.

Q: What brought you here?
A: Birth. See above.

Q: Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
A: Yes, Rocky’s Pizza, Value, Hector’s, and the usual, if I can get it cheaper I usually will buy it on eBay though.

Q: Favorite thing about the area?
A: The People and the weather.

Q: If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
A: Economy, and taxes.

My whole life (23 years).

Born here.

I frequent non-chain business/friend’s businesses. Some include Gin Gin, My Bubble Tea, Innovative Tuning, Taste Of Thai, India Gate, Falafel Bar, U. Hots, and so on…

Favorite things about the area are the cost of living (taxes aside), 3 of the 4 seasons (not a winter fan), the parks, Niagara Falls, Elmwood Ave, Allentown, and our local car scene.

If I could change one thing about the area it would be the allocation of our tax money…too much welfare, way too many project complexes (filled to the brim with able bodied, but lazy people, leeching off our system), and monies wasted, not going into things like creating more jobs, better infrastructure, and not developing and prime land areas that we have at our disposal.

How long have you lived in the area?

My entire life

What brought you here?


Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?

Love joy pizza, Seneca casino’s, and Yings wings and things

Favorite thing about the area?

Bars are open until 4 am, Sabres and the Bills, Canada is only 15 minutes away

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?

Lake effect snow, the horrible government, lower school taxes, abolish the tolls.

morning crew? Thanks everyone, if the list of things to change is legit feel free to write it up, if not, no biggie…

My input even though i dont live in Buffalo right now.

Lived there for 18 years.
Its where i was born.
When im home visiting i frequent allen/elmwood. Also local food.
Favorite things about there area here we go…First of all i have the best group of friends and a great family that are still in Buffalo thats my number one. I love the culture that the area has ie. places like Toro, Stillwater, all of allen etc. People are friendly and often willing to help out(unless they have an f-bod). The cost of living OMG im not sure if you guys have looked other places but holy crap it is cheap to live in Buffalo even with the taxes. You will not go anywhere else and get food as good as you are used to. I miss and love Buffalo and am buying my first home in buffalo around Sept-Oct 09 when i get to move home.
Things i would change have already been said mostly economic issues.

Why my opinion is valid well because i have lived in Charlotte NC, Jacksonville SC, ElPaso TX, and Seattle WA not to mention all of the places i have traveled to and visited. With that being said the only other place that is close is Seattle i do love it there. But i dont think it has anywhere near the culture that b-lo does things seem too generic still for my taste although it is great. But oh this is a big one the cost of living is f-ing crazy over there holy crap im talking like 400k for a house you woul pay 80k for in b-lo.

How long have you lived in the area?
26 years

What brought you here?
I was born here.

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
Most of the Elmwood shops, restaurants, and bars. With the excellent selection of local restaurants, I avoid chain restaurants at all costs. Casa di Pizza, India Gate, Globe Market, Kunis, ETS, and Marcos Deli are all great for takeout.

Favorite thing about the area?
Village atmosphere of the Elmwood strip, great selection of restaurants in the entire region. Lots of great turn of the century architecture. I find that most people are friendly. I also love the weather here, except for late winter/early spring.

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
I’d like more people to live in the core downtown area, although this is slowly happening with all of the recent loft apartment and condos becoming available.

Like any place, there are good and bad areas, and the various areas in the city and surrounding suburbs all are very different from each other. Another benefit of the region is that most anywhere in the area an acceptable commute from anywhere else, so theres no reason not to live somewhere that you’d enjoy.

How long have you lived in the area?
1 year

What brought you here?
My gf then a job offer.

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
Wegmans. Subway.

Favorite thing about the area?
Cost of living is relatively cheaper than the rest of the country (or so I hear)

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
Football stadium should be downtown like every other major city.
Stop using salt on the road like pretty much every other state.