Couple quick questions if you have a sec, id appreciate it

How long have you lived in the area?
26 years

What brought you here?
I was born here.

Are there any local businesses that you frequent often?
Most of the Elmwood shops, restaurants, and bars. With the excellent selection of local restaurants, I avoid chain restaurants at all costs. Casa di Pizza, India Gate, Globe Market, Kunis, ETS, and Marcos Deli are all great for takeout.

Favorite thing about the area?
Village atmosphere of the Elmwood strip, great selection of restaurants in the entire region. Lots of great turn of the century architecture. I find that most people are friendly. I also love the weather here, except for late winter/early spring.

If you could change one thing about the area, what would it be?
I’d like more people to live in the core downtown area, although this is slowly happening with all of the recent loft apartment and condos becoming available.

Like any place, there are good and bad areas, and the various areas in the city and surrounding suburbs all are very different from each other. Another benefit of the region is that most anywhere in the area an acceptable commute from anywhere else, so theres no reason not to live somewhere that you’d enjoy.