COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

yes but you’re using logic that, if followed, would create a dynamic narrative that doesn’t suit any specifically exploitable purpose…

Edited my earlier post. It was two tests, in CA and MA, and the results were 4.1% and 33% respectively. Definitely need to up our random testing game.

Labcorp home testing is $119

^^ They’re coming out with an antibody test too. That link is for the active virus test.

i’ll wait until there are pee tests for $5 at the dollar store.

Home testing is illegal in NY. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

With a 20% accuracy rate, lol.

so then just buy 5 of them.


We’re going to see more car features intended to make the air safe & improve mental health I guess…

this is a difficult to watch account of what happened in Nova Scotia, however, it is also noteworthy and authentic.

Well whatcha know :roll_eyes: That pic going around Facebook with a medical worker blocking a Trump supporter’s Jeep was staged.

Holy shit THIS. Of course, they all died after going to church too.

I was wondering how long it would be until we have new cars with a sanitizer reservoir.
american cars mounted in the inside, German cars fog the area surrounding car?

Yes. Quite severe actually. No one was hospitalized but the adults had fevers, really bad headaches and difficulty breathing. They were all but bed ridden for just over a week. The kids that were the carriers and how they got it only had mild symptoms and the symptoms only lasted between 36-48 hours.

We only have about 140, well did. Most of them are union so they are under different operating terms and most have been furloughed to get past this.

WIFE?? Fuck it has been too long since I have seen you. When did you get married?

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The more I’m hearing about this the more I’m thinking my wife and I had it. And that we got it from visiting our nieces and nephews in Canada just before NYE. I was out of action for over a month with a few of the symptoms. My wife had them too, same recovery time. Similar symptoms from our relatives but no hospitalizations. Neither of us felt better until the end if Feb when all of a sudden we started to get reports of it here in the US.

We won’t know until the antibody test.

lol like, 2 years ago maybe? I’ve already lost count of the years. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

My mom is pretty sure she had it as well and when the antibody tests are out she’s going to get tested. Worst “chest cold” she’s ever had, knocked her out for almost a month. She’s one of the healthiest people you’ll ever meet too. Does 2 four miles walks a day and those walks are 1 hour exactly. She recently had to get a physical for some insurance stuff her financial guy recommended and she came back in the 98th percentile health wise.

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I just heard a doctor say we should let people go back to work based on their BMI since obesity is one of the top risk factors :flushed:

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Just got back from Letchworth… Never seen it so packed in my life.

No parking spots, cars all over sides of the road. RVs, a Mustang crew, Jeep crew. Cars parking on grass. Lines to get into parking lots. Cars EVERYWHERE.

Zero social distancing. Those that had masks on (maybe 1 outta 20) were wearing them wrong anyway. It was like walking around times square in the summer. People down near the water where you’re not supposed to go. People walking on the roads backing up traffic. 1,000+ dogs. Just as many Snapchat queens taking selfies. Long lines for bathrooms. People EVERYWHERE.

There was one overwhelmed park officer. Since it’s not May yet the park is still free to enter. I don’t envy him at all.

I am pretty sure I had this as well. I am going to hit up Well Now or one of the other testing centers to get a verification this week. I just want to go back to my normal life with a letter that says I am good.

Sarah took the kids to Chestnut Ridge today while I wired an old members new home. Anonymity if you know who that is. She called and said that they didn’t bother to go for a walk there as it was busier than she has ever seen. They ended up going back to Como park and said it was so busy that they had to go walk in the creek to avoid the hundreds of people wandering around.

I don’t get why any of you are trying to go to parks right now. If you want to walk go for a walk around your neighborhood, or drive to another neighborhood and walk there. All the parks are mobbed right now.

im actually glad to hear Letchworth and the other places were busy this weekend.

we’ve had a lot of foot traffic in our neighbourhood as well.