COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

There is a feature for teachers to invite guardians to google classroom so they at least have some idea of what’s going on. I believe it gets you access to what is assigned and when it is due.

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I may have to ask about that one :tup:
It’s probably more important for younger kids.

HS kids should be able to manage their time.
I would love to troll my kids though, so there’s that :smiley:

Lol if I were the teacher I would appreciate it. We needed more parent involvement even BEFORE this pandemic, regardless of the student’s level.


So, who’s ready for a Fall lockdown?

yeah, seems like a lot of people are already preparing for it.

The uncertainty is really affecting a lot of industries. Pretty difficult to do any serious M&A in this environment.

I guess it’s not as big a deal as it would be what with all of this money printing going on keeping things reasonably steady but that can only last so long and the longer it goes the worse it is downstream.

We’re good for 3-4 months of not going anywhere. I feel like a weirdo prepper…

I do not have a source and cannot remember what news station I read this on but the next wave of businesses closing IIRC is at the end of October.

I have a few friends that own bars/clubs, still paying rent every month. How long can this be sustained??

I’ll be honest, another wave of shutdowns will kill off the last of small businesses. I have 4 different restaurant owner friends and they are all operating at around 40-50% right now, that alone is not sustainable and it’s barely covering food costs and employee wages.

If we shut down again, expect these riots to get worse. People are fed up with all of this.

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i’m close to people who have spent over a half million to open a new joint just before COVID to completely walking away from it and also declining to open their other bars becuase it simply isnt worth it.

better to just take the monthly loss than to open, do all the work only to still lose money

You gents have any links to info on charter schools in the southtowns? Orchard Park / east aurora area?

I’m curious about the costs and format of the schooling down there. Becoming increasingly frustrated with what’s going on here but from your comments it seems like it isn’t noticeably different down there.

I’d really like to know where my kids can go back to normal schooling asap and I don’t care where it is.


I’m your huckleberry on this one.

I teach at the largest charter school in NYS (2700 enrolled students, K-12). There are other larger charter “networks” but they aren’t considered actual schools.

Shoot me a PM if you have any questions, I’d rather not post anything publicly.

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To be fair, maybe they disinfect them afterwards… :neutral_face: :wink:

Went on our trip, got married and had one hell of a time. Covid was not stopping this from happening. So over this fucking disease. Amazing to see what things were like in other states. Ended up coming home to Colorado on the list. Got tested Monday, results came back yesterday around 8pm that no traces of Covid were found. That test sucks. I can only explain it as the feeling being similar to getting water up your nose in the highest spot. lol I almost had to pull away from the plastic stick (looks like a lollipop stick) Put it in your nose for about 6 seconds. Spin it around way up in your nose/brain for 5 seconds then take it out.

Anyone looking for a cool video of something we got to see in person after the catch. Check out “Grizzly Elk Yellowstone” and you’ll find a huge Elk being taken out by a huge Grizzly in yellowstone. It as 2 days before we got to the spot. Got to see him laying on top of his kill which was half covered by dirt to preserve and keep the scent down. After we left a wolf showed up as well as another grizzly which fought with the other. So sweet to see this bear and elk in person.

Anyways, I’m still a believer that we need to just go about our lives as we are crippling our economy and putting ourselves even further into debt while finding no way to get out of it. Also watching people constantly flee the NYC since everything is closed and having a way of life there is not possible. This state is in for a serious hurting in the next few years from this and where Cuomo already put us before Covid.


I know a lot of people wont care for this, but I wish someone like this was leading our state rather than a guy turning into a dictator and telling everyone what they must do or else…

Yes I understand the population of SD is no where near NY state but from being in Western SD, it’s not much different to me from Western NY in terms of density.

Yes… covid is hitting SD right now and cases are on the rise however Hospitalization now is not what it was when Covid started and the treatments are far better in helping people beat this in the hospitals.

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With new knowledge of treatments and potentially a vaccine by January (possibly), lockdowns are ridiculous. In states that locked down hard at the beginning, it was to slow the spread and not overwhelm the hospitals, but now they are seeing spikes because guess what…the virus is a virus. It spreads, it doesn’t go away. Nice thing now is that we are better prepared and know more about it.

Cuomo won’t stop until no one dies from anything in this state. But that’ll only happen when it’s just Cuomo, alone at his desk, with ZERO people living in the state.


I’ve been yelling this for months. I don’t care about the number infected. When we shut down our country it was because people in Italy were dying of easily treatable issues simply because there wasn’t a bed for them in hospitals and we didn’t want that to happen here. The only number that really matters is hospitalization rate. As long as we have hospital capacity we should be continuing with re-opening. If and ONLY if we start seeing a spike in hospitalization rates then we should hit pause on reopening. We should be isolating the people at high risk of complications and the rest of us should be back to work with masks where social distancing isn’t possible.

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Bingo! So annoyed with this because NYS started with Cuomo saying the idea is to flatten the curve, which then turned into stopping the spread, which turned into “I’m running this state how I want to and I don’t care how much it bothers you.” It’s easy for a guy making $200,000 and being on tv daily to tell people who can’t support their family, they have to stay home and places have to be shut down and so on.
Every damn job in this state is essential. It is essential because it provides a way for people to survive without requiring the aid of the state/government to help them survive… which NYS is fucking broke and unable to do without going further into debt.

We have proven we have well more than enough hospital beds throughout this state and country that it’s time to get back to life and just practice better hygiene.

gee, it’s almost as if leftists are addicted to power and fully incentivized to artificially inflate the scope of the fear to give themselves more power and money?!?!??!

if only there were a precedent set so that we could have predicted this (see: germany, russia, china etc.)

As for us up here in Canadaland… there’s a chart going around showing how much money we’ve printed that has evaporated into the market with a few large corruption scandals to go along with it.

i’ll dig it up

I love how Canada is being played in the media as doing so much better than the US.

Ok, but yesterday Ontario tested 48488 people and found 797 new cases, for a 1.64% positive rate.

Also yesterday, New York tested 145811 people and found 1836 new cases, for a 1.26% positive rate.

Population of NY: 19.5 million
Population of Ontario: 14.4 million

So New York is testing a far greater percentage of it’s population per day and finding a lower rate than Ontario, Canada’s largest province by far. Had Ontario actually tested 107675 people yesterday (which would be the same level of testing per capita as New York did) and the rate stayed the same they would have had 1765 new cases yesterday, not 797.

Makes you wonder what Canada’s numbers would look like compared to the US if they were testing anywhere near the rate the US is. Canada has only tested 7.8 million people since the start of the pandemic. The US on the other hand has test 113 million. We have 8.7x the population of Canada, but we’ve done 14.5x the testing. What a shock we have far more covid cases right?

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bro, you you don’t have to convince me. manipulating data to support false-narratives is standard leftist playbook fare.

however, it does seem that simply telling people what you want them to believe is a far more effective way of making people believe something than to actually create policy that creates the intended outcome. why even bother with proper policy when you can just tell people it’s already happening and use fake-data and fake-science to substantiate it?