COVID-19 Pandemic Thread [NY Now Closes All Biz]

And that rfp:

cds.pdf (262.3 KB)

That’s unbelievable.

They’ll be putting kids in cages! CAGES I SAY! Right at the border! :see_no_evil:

Yikes! That’s not really a comfortable video to watch if you were living in Canada.

at least we know there simply is no scientific consensus at all…

at least canada almost completely beat the flu this year:

99.8% down from prior years assuming a 40,000 avg run rate… down to a total 6 cases this year.

how odd?

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Build the camps bro, get that number to zero!


^ That’s the one I’ve been asking about for the last month or two. Looks like it backs up the whole “dying with covid” vs “dying OF covid” argument.

so i’ve shared that with skeptics and they had a difficult time citing those #'s. I guess normies are having a tough time realizing they were lied to.

Some of it can be explained by the fact that people are driving less, and car accidents are a huge contributor to overall deaths.

Can you find decent sources (links) to validate each of the #'s?

The CDC website really conflates access to the data… or rather, obfuscates it with cornonavirus #'s

For the parents here:

Ugh I wish NY would do this.

But, NY.

Wait till the news gets word of all the kids failing in WNY, it’s ridiculous. The other option is give the kids bullshit assignments and ease up on grading, but that’s not happening (admin and parents wouldn’t allow it).

Seeing more and more areas running out of ICU beds. Get ready for more lockdowns.

El Paso:



This is the number I’ve said we should be watching all along. Total covid cases doesn’t matter and I don’t trust “covid deaths” for a second with all the people dying “with covid” vs “of covid”. The number that matters is hospital capacity and that normally comes down to ICU capacity. When that number spikes things are getting out of control and you need to put measures in place to slow it.


Fucking hell.

Just when we start bringing kids back into the classroom too. I’m over this fucking pandemic.

Mentally. Fucking. Exhausted of this shit.

Don’t ban the virgin islands cuomo I can’t get a refund

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Every person I know that tested positive (<10) did not require any hospitalization, including the ones showing symptoms.

One of my wife’s coworkers ended up in the ICU and was on a ventilator for almost a month. Last I heard she likely has brain damage and had been moved into rehab. Of the 7 others I know personally 1 had an overnight at the hospital with an IV and the others just recovered at home in a week or two or had no symptoms at all.

I wish more articles would come out about the death rates rather than the amount of cases.

@JayS can you share more details about that ventilator story?

My understanding is that they aren’t using the ventilators anymore because they don’t help and actually may be worse.